
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Difference between Romantic and Modern Painting Essay

Difference between Romantic and Modern Painting - Essay Example The essay "Difference between Romantic and Modern Painting" discovers the Romantic and Modern Painting. Picasso was one of the artist who developed the kind of painting called abstract. In this style of painting, only selected qualities or characteristics of the subjects are used in the finished picture. the still life of a pitcher, candle and handled box on a table top rendered in rust orange, brown, blue, yellow, off-white, gray and black. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, a member of an artists group known as Die Brucke. They valued truthfulness more than clever techniques and in fact they often used deliberately rough ways of working, as if that were a proof of the strength of their Feelings. The group works on watercolors, drawings and woodcuts. Kirchner and the group can be measured by their extraordinary production. The rapid development of their personal styles was a result of their activity, including life, drawing and painting as well as the production of woodcuts, lithographs and dra wings. Luca Fa Presto (Luke work quickly) because of his prodigious speed of execution and huge output. His style became much more colorful under the influence of such great decorative painters .He absorbed a host of influences and was said to be able to imitate other artists styles with ease. (1812-1867) Rousseau is best known for turning themes of humanity's relations into nature. Some of this most famous works include: Springtime, Under the Birches, and Clearing in the Forest near Fontainebleau. ... He was nicknamed Luca Fa Presto (Luke work quickly) because of his prodigious speed of execution and huge output. His style became much more colorful under the influence of such great decorative painters .He absorbed a host of influences and was said to be able to imitate other artists styles with ease. . Romantic Painters Theodore Rousseau (1812-1867) Rousseau is best known for turning themes of humanity's relations into nature. Some of this most famous works include: Springtime, Under the Birches, and Clearing in the Forest near Fontainebleau. Rousseau's paintings as embodiments of a new way of seeing the world, a new sense of the deep interconnectedness between the human and natural worlds that coincided with the earliest formulations of modern ecological thought. These techniques were very prevalent in Rousseau's art. Rousseau paints the solitary oak dominating a flat patch of pastureland. He sees the peculiar ragged cha racteristics of the gnarled branches, the coarse density of the oak foliage, the tufts, and clouds of the turf with pools of standing water like glass reflecting the sky. The grand compositions of this landscape are replaced by others that express the spontaneous and informal aspects of nature. This nature lover painter, saw the landscape in its quiet moods with fresh nave eyes. Cropsey and Hudson River School Despite a tendency toward harshness of colors, did notable paintings. Sunset, Hudson River is a rather odd marriage of a formulaic Hudson River School composition and this luminist style. In most luminist works the sunlight is evident only in the diffusing effects of its rays, but in this painting the setting sun is a palpable orb. One feels as if the strength of its light could not only diffuse

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical Principles and Codes of Practice Essay Example for Free

Ethical Principles and Codes of Practice Essay Ethical principles and codes of practice can provide guidance in day-to-day practice. Analyse Peter’s situation in the case study and come to a conclusion about what would be an appropriate response. This essay will analyse the ethical principles and code of practice in relation to the case study of Peter, a man suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and will suggest a course of action for Peter’s situation based upon the application of these principles and the code. It will do this by examining the term ‘ethics’ and will focus on four ethical principles found to be relative to the kinds of ethical issues and challenges met within health and social care settings, these will be applied to the case study. Peter’s situation is that of a man, who, at the request of his family, unhappily (but apparently necessarily), moved to Parkside Manor, a small residential care home. Of late Peter’s condition of Alzheimer’s disease has advanced and he has become progressively uninhibited. His behaviour has caused the staff to question Peter’s placement at the care home, as some of the other residents are beginning to become troubled and distressed by his behaviour. Some staff feel that with the number of residents needing attention, Peter’s needs require more time than they have to give. However Peter’s family are resolute in their decision for him to remain at Parkside. ‘Ethics’ are defined as ‘the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it’ (Collins, 2006, p535). Individual values develop over time through socialisation, upbringing and experiences. These values when viewed on a personal level, guide individual actions. Individuals working in the health and social care setting also hold professional values derived from professional training and ideology. Decisions are made using both personal and professional values and all decisions will have an ethical dimension. Historically health and social care practitioners have been directed by principles and guidance, enabling them to develop what is described as a professional morality. Codes of practice have long been seen as regulations guiding practice, with clear standards of conduct (General Social Care Council, 2010, p 4). These usually include some exclusion’s such as disclosure of information but they mainly describe expected forms of conduct. In areas of health and social care ethical principles are used along with codes of practice to guide and enhance the decision-making process. These principles are related to a sense of doing the right thing or that which is moral and with ideas of what is good and bad practice (K217, Book 4, p28).This idea can be problematic and can be viewed both objectively and subjectively. If viewed from an objective point of view, who should be trusted to know what is the objective truth? If subjective, who is the one whose opinion should be listened to? Questions such as these are often at the core of dilemmas. Professionals working within health and social care environments do not just deal with decisions based upon the right and good. Consideration should also be given to ‘ethical dilemmas’, these are situations when two choices are apparent, both eq ual in morality and ethics (K217, Book4, p29). Pattison and Heller (2001) suggest, ethics and value issues thread their way through normal, daily health care practice, the interpretation of which is open to more than one explanation (K217, Offprints, p131). Although principles guide actions, there is still a need to assess a situation and devise an appropriate response. This assessment and response derive from an individual’s values and training as much as from principles. Ethical principles are important in the field of health and social care. Practitioners need to have the ability to make informed, ethical and justifiable decisions relating to the individuals in their care. This can be difficult when faced with a challenging case. Using a framework to develop a structured way of thinking through a particular ethical situation or challenge can be helpful. The ETHICS framework was developed to assist people working in care settings and offers a structured way of assessing a course of action in order to come to an ethically informed decision. It emphasizes the need to be able to select a course of action based upon guidance, information and established principles, as well as the individual’s beliefs. The framework requires practitioners to firstly, Enquire about the relevant facts of the case, Think about the options that are available to all involved, Hear the views of everyone (including service user, family members and relevant providers), Identify any relevant ethical principles and values which may help to guide the decision–making process, Clarify the meaning and consequences of any key values and finally Select a course of action offering supporting arguments (K217, Book4, p32). When taking into account the case study, four ethical principles will be examined. These are: respect for autonomy, non-malfeasance, beneficence and justice. The principles are seen as the starting points for the development of ethical approaches to care practice, providing a practical set of principles, which rather than offe ring direct answers to ethical dilemmas, set out useful guiding principles for practitioners when faced with controversial decisions (K217, Book 4, p34). In Peter’s situation, Autonomy or self-determination is complex. Respect for Autonomy refers to a commitment to respect the decision-making capability of an autonomous individual. Autonomy is the freedom to act as a person wishes, to be able to make decisions about their own life and not to be controlled by others. The case study points out that Peter ‘unhappily’ left his home, at the request of his family to move into Parkside Manor, indicating that Peter had no control over this situation. This lack of right to choose where he lives, directly impinges on Peter’s ability to be autonomous and make reasoned informed choices. Beauchamp and Childress (2009) identify two areas necessary for autonomy: Liberty or independence from control and Agency, the capacity for deliberate action (K217, Book 4, p39). When applying this principle to Peter’s case, it could be argued that a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s limits his capabilities to make decisions for himself, limiting capacity for intentional action and so reducing Peter’s ability to function as an autonomous individual. The codes of practice for social care workers (2010) state: ‘a social care worker must respect the rights of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or others’ (General Social Care Council, 2010, p9, 4.2). This causes a conflict of interest between Peter’s rights to act in a manner that he chooses and that of the other residents, who deserve to be able to move freely about the home without the risk of being upset or distressed by Peter’s actions. Staff may wish to take steps to minimise the potential risk of Peter’s behaviour causing mental harm and upset to other residents and by following risk assessment policies could asse ss the potential risks in this situation (General Social Care Council, 2010, p9, 4.2). Identifying harmful behaviour is multifaceted and open to interpretation. The assessment of risk could have serious consequences for Peter perhaps leading to a limiting of his rights and liberty in the interest of protecting others from harm (K217, Book 4, p60). Therefore over protection or unnecessary limitation could be considered an infringement upon Peter’s human rights (K217, Book 4 p65). The case study does not accurately point out if Peter has the mental capability to understand that his actions could be disruptive and upsetting for others. This being the case it may also be appropriate to talk to both Peter and his family about the situation in order to find a solution. As the code of practice maintains, ‘care workers must promote the independence of service users and assist them to understand and exercise their rights’ (General Social Care Council, 2010, p8, 3.1). It is suggested, that in cases where decision making capacity is deemed to be impaired, respect for autonomy may involve the care worker acting appropriately in an in dividual’s ‘best interests’ (K217, Book 4, p40). The difficulty here is that Peters best interests cannot be viewed without taking into account the best interests of other residents, care workers and relatives. This shows the limits of the code of practice in taking a narrow ethical view rather than trying to take a wider and more balanced perspective. Beneficence and the promotion of welfare are concerned with the provision of benefits and the balance of these against risk in the care and treatment of service users. It requires that care providers make a positive contribution to help others, not just refrain from acts of harm. It could be argued that in Peter’s case, moving into a residential setting may be seen as ‘doing good’. The theory of beneficence or ‘doing good’ is embedded in health and social care practice. Although, rather than being straightforward in its attempts to solve ethical dilemmas, beneficence can be viewed as being rather vague (K217, Book4, p34). The application of beneficence in Peter’s situation could be seen as a controversial one. The need to ‘do good’ in this situation could be seen to be against Peter’ s best interests, as in the case of consent. The case study alludes to the fact that Peter’s family are making decisions on behalf of Peter and that the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease means that he is incapable of contributing to decisions around his care and wellbeing. It could therefore be argued that this results in a paternalistic approach to care, whereby the family (who are making decisions on behalf of Peter) may be guided by practitioners views of what is in Peter’s ‘best interests’ and in doing so may neglect the choice and personal responsibility of the individual (K217, Book 4, p36). However paternalism may be viewed as acceptable if it is proved that Peter’s autonomy or decision-making capacity is compromised. In this case it may be advisable to initiate an assessment of Peter’s mental health capacity in order to justify the families’ involvement in the decision-making process. Beauchamp and Childress (2009) claim, the philosophy of non-malfeasance is an obligation to do no harm. Unlike beneficence, which promotes welfare and concentrates upon positively helping others, non-malfeasance focuses upon guiding health and social care practitioners to avoid harm-causing activities, this includes negligence. Having a duty of care for a person or persons in care is an ethical concept, neglect is an absence of ‘due care’ the lack of which would be seen as falling below the standards expected by the law and code of practice. The principle of non-malfeasance can be difficult to apply in practice (K217, Book 4, p37). Peter has not been physically harmed himself, although it could be disputed that his behaviour around Parkside Manor could be having a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of the other residents who are beginning to be upset by Peter’s uninhibited behaviour. Section 3 of the codes of practice for social care workers may guide staff in pr omoting the independence of other service users (residents) in assisting them to understand and exercise their rights to autonomy. Also for staff to use the appropriate procedures and protocols in which to keep other service users safe from harm (General Social Care Council, 2010, p8, 3.1). As stated, Peter’s ability to make decisions about his care could be impaired, as in the right to choose where to live (which was made at the request of his family). However, maintaining Peter in his own home, as was his wish, would require extra resources such as daily social care help. If this was unavailable, Peter’s wish to remain in his home could be seen as detrimental to his health and wellbeing as his condition deteriorated and this would not uphold the principle of non- malfeasance. The moral principle of justice according to Beauchamp (2006) is fairness in the distribution of benefit and risk (K217, Book4, p42). It can be viewed as fair, impartial and suitable treatment for the autonomous individual. This suggests that everyone has the right to participate in the decision-making process surrounding the ir own treatment. This clearly is not the case for Peter, as he may no longer be classed as an autonomous service user and may not be able to articulate his needs or desires in respect of his care. In this case the staff may wish to assign a person as an advocate to represent and support (where appropriate) Peter’s views and wishes (General Social Care Council, 2010, p6, 1.2). The case study also identifies the staffs growing concerns about their own abilities to be able to give Peter the care that he requires, with some suggesting that his needs demand more time than they have available. The code of practice sets out clear guidelines for staff in Section 3, stating that any resource or operational difficulties experienced by the care worker is to be brought to the attention of the employer or the appropriate authority (General Social Care Council, 2010, p8, 3.4). Staff working within the care home are under increasing pressure to cope with the demanding behaviour that Peter displays and in this case may feel that they are neglecting the other residents because of Peter’s growing needs. This highlights the problem staff have in distinguishing fairly between those that are seen to need support and those that are not. Discrimination such as this all be it without intention of causing harm, raises questions of inequality. As highlighted, codes of practice and other ethical guidelines are not without their limitations. These limitations are often down to an individual’s freedom of choice and their views of what is right and wrong. Codes of practice deal in respect of that is the ‘norm’ not the ‘usual’ and at this point common sense and a corporate view are necessary. Using the four principles to analyse Peter’s situation is far from simple as the principles themselves are open to individual interpreta tion. The task for those directly involved in Peters care, such as family, professionals and the care workers at Parkside, is to ascertain their legal, professional and ethical positions and balance these against the need to protect and care for other residents and staff within the care setting. This may involve identifying ways to reduce the risk to others and to Peter’s dignity and privacy. As the code of practice states ‘a social care worker must respect and maintain dignity and privacy of service users’ (general Social Care Council, 2010, p6, 1.4). Some of the staff at Parkside have begun to question if the placement is an appropriate one given Peter’s growing needs. Staff at Parkside Manor could begin to examine ways of improving the care and support on offer to both Peter and the other residents by firstly initiating an assessment of Peter’s mental health capacity, in order for staff to better comprehend Peter’s level of understanding and to further meet his needs. This will form part of a support plan that will identify resources necessary to meet his growing requirements. The case study does not adequately highlight if Parkside Manor is equipped to deal with mental health problems such as Alzheimer’s or if the population is that of older residents with general care needs. One solution for the family may be to investigate the possibility of an alternative placement for Peter. Placing Peter in a more suitable setting where the staff are more used to dealing with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease could enhance quality of care and increase Peter’s quality of life. Bibliography Collins, 2006, Collins Concise English Dictionary. Glasgow, HarperCollins Publishers. Open University (2010) K217, Adult health, social care and wellbeing, Chapter 14, Ethics in health and social care. Milton Keynes,The Open University Open University (2010) K217, Adult health, social care and wellbeing, Offprints, Swimming in a sea of ethics and values. Milton Keynes,The Open University General Social Care Council, 2010, Codes of Practice for social care workers. Available at: http://www.gscc.org.uk/cmsFiles/Registration/Codes%20of%20Practice/CodesofPracticeforSocialCareWorkers.pdf [Accessed 25/02/12] Gillon Raanan, 1994, Medical ethics : four principles plus the attention to scope. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2540719/pdf/bmj00449-0050.pdf [Accessed 09/03/12]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Composed Kenyans and Happy-go-Lucky Nigerians Essay -- Comparison Comp

Composed Kenyans and Happy-go-Lucky Nigerians "You're from Kenya, right?" "No, I'm from Nigeria." "Nigeria, Kenya. Kenya, Nigeria. Same thing." "No, actually they are entirely different countries located at opposite ends of the African continent and contain two very different groups of people." It is amazing how very little some people know about the continent -- not country -- of Africa, let alone the 57 countries within it. Some people have suggested that Kenya and Nigeria are in South America or even Australia. Although Kenya and Nigeria are both African countries, their cultures are quite unlike each other. The food, speech, and methods of interaction within these cultures serve as evidence of their distinctiveness. Kenyans are usually more laid back and composed while Nigerians tend to be more active and vivacious. While Kenyans seem to be satisfied with a more basic menu, Nigerians show their great appreciation for food through an extensive selection. In Kenya, four typical dishes can be expected to be served at party gatherings. The first is nyama uchoma, beef or goat meat cut into thick slabs and roasted over a large grill. Ugali, which is a main dish made out of either yellow or white corn flour that closely resembles mush before it is fried, is eaten along with the nyama uchoma. Chapatis, which are like soft flaky tacos, are also served either rolled up or cut into triangular pieces. The final dish served would be a watery stew with peas, carrots, and a few chunks of beef, served over pilaf rice. Sodas and/or beer are provided as beverages, in addition to chai, which is prepared by first warming milk, boiling tea leaves in the mil... ... lashing out at each other at 5:00 a.m. in the street will be the same two people that will be calling each other "My brother" at 5:59 a.m. While Kenyans do a better job of holding things in, Nigerians tend to get it over with right away. Although it may still be difficult to distinguish a Kenyan from a Nigerian simply based on appearance, there are clues that can be used to differentiate these two groups of people. If one were to enter a Kenyan or a Nigerian home and sit down for a meal or spend a brief moment to interact through verbal communication, the difference would be almost obvious. The home that serves the simpler meal sprinkled with occasional moments of silence will most likely be the Kenyan home. If the foods on the menu exceed ten items and the conversation remains constant, it is probably safe to assume one has entered the home of a Nigerian.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Setting Of The Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research papers

The settings and backdrops in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, are essential elements to the formation of the characters, symbolic imagery and the overall plot development. Fitzgerald uses East and West Egg communities to portray two separate worlds and two classes of people that are technically the same their status, but fundamentally different in their ideals. The physical geography of the settings is representative of the distance between classes of the East and West Eggers. Every setting connotes a different tone and enhances the imagery of story line. From the wealthy class of the "eggs", the desolate "valley of ashes", to the chaos of Manhattan. The imagery provided by Fitzgerald becomes an important tool in establishing the characters and their story. The separation between the east and the west shows the division between the people who are from each side. Generally, the West Coast represents a more laissez-faire attitude and is seen as the "new" land or world. Many people have dreamt of "going west" in search of a new life or vast treasures in the "wild" lands. Fitzgerald associates these qualities of the West with the characters Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby, who live on the West Egg. On the other side of the spectrum lie Tom Buchanan, Daisy, and Jordan Baker. These characters are associated with a stereotypical East Coast mindset which is more strict, traditional and ancestrally based, as opposed to the "new" and "wild" West. They resent anything that is unfamiliar to them such as the West Eggers with "new money" and no traditions. The distance and mindset of the East and West are symbolically integrated into the East Egg and West Egg which are representative of the soc ial class of which the characters come from. The physical settings establish the identities of the characters through their wealth and houses. The West Eggers represent the social class of the nouveau riche, people who have made fortunes recently in their generation instead of having inherited wealth. The East Eggers have had money in their blood for many generations and have an established presence in their community. The houses of both classes are evidence to this fact. Gatsby's mansion is designed in an newer European style unlike the Buchanan's more colonial style house and is decorated with... ...nt stage. The Great Gatsby starts out in the springtime, a time of new growth and beginning. The story takes place until the end of summer and beginning of autumn. As spring and summer pass by, steady improvements, it seems, are occurring in Nick and Gatsby's relationship. Gatsby's death is synonymous to the death in autumn. Falling leaves and dying shrubbery coincide with Gatsby's own death. The progression of the story is parallel to the changing of the seasons. The reflection of the tale can be seen through the weather and changing seasons. Fitzgerald uses the setting and seasonal change to create the progression of the characters, symbolism and the plot. The backdrops create the framework that the characters live in and interact. The setting of the story creates all the contrast between East and West, "new money" and "old money" and the social classes. Not only do the physical representations of these differences separate the characters and create their character, but also a more representative division is shown. By using symbolism embedded with actual display of its imagery, Fitzgerald is able to capture both, a symbolic essence and tangents of reality.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Closed-Source Systems Essay

There are several differences and similarities when discussing open and closed source software or systems. Some operating systems that are currently in operating are closed source and some of them are open source. Both closed and open source software / systems have their place in the technical world. It is difficult to say which of these types is better, because it will usually be based on numerous factors. Possible factors could be cost, convenience, flexibility, maintenance, and accessibility. The comparison will always be made when discussing open and open closed source software / systems, but it will always be a person-to-person situation based on necessity. Closed Source Software / Systems Closed source software is defined as software that contains a hidden source code or a non-visible source code. It is usually developed by a single person or a company. Once a final copy of the closed source software is developed and completed, it is sold to the public. This final copy is what end-users will find available to them. According to (Grant, 2004), â€Å"Closed source software is normally copyrighted or patented and is legally protected as intellectual property. † He also mentions that legally, â€Å"A user cannot give it away, copy it, or modify it in any way unless the user has a special license or permission to do it† (Grant, 2004). There are incentives for producing closed source software. It can be sold by the developers and it is intangible. What is meant here is, the developers or company that produced it can replicate it numerous times over. In order for companies to make a profit the software is generally rushed out the door. When this happens, the software can have issues in terms of functionality, maintenance, and support. Due to these issues, the producing companies are the only ones with the authority to produce patches to fix problems. Ultimately, after a patch is made the responsibility will rely on the end user to apply it and resolve the problem. This is where a security issue is involved. Grant mentions in his article, â€Å"Users have a poor record for applying patches resulting in thousands of computers around the world being left vulnerable every time a flaw is discovered† (Grant, 2004). Cost is a major factor with open and closed source software / systems. Closed source types generally cost more and this is due to licensing, patents, copyrights, registration, and manufacturer or company name. Maintenance, updates, and support are basic complimentary features when buying a closed source type. An example of a closed source software / system is Microsoft’s Windows and Office. Open Source Software / Systems As previously mentioned, closed source software / systems have their source code â€Å"hidden† from the public. Open source software / systems have their source code â€Å"visible† to the public. The same type of developers who create closed source software can create open source software. Grant states, â€Å"The reasons for writing open source software range from those who have a passion for computing and who want to contribute to make a difference, to those who do not like having to rely on any single company to produce what is needed† (Grant, 2004). Open source software / systems and the authors who create them are legally protected by the General Public License, or GPL. Since it is published under the GPL, users can use it for free and give it to as many people as they want to as long as they do not pretend they wrote it. According to Grant, â€Å"Users can make changes to open source software as long as what was modified is availably known to the public (Grant, 2004). That is one aspect that makes open source software / systems so grand, is that users can change the source code. This continues to the next aspect, which is; updates, patches and/or fixes. Users, or the public, can apply these factors straight to the open source software which is unlike closed source types. One of the downsides to open source software / systems is there is no warranty. If the software malfunction or does not perform well the users will have no recourse. Some other factors that Grant mentions with open source software / systems are, â€Å"There is no guarantee of good documentation or support, (Grant, 2004)† which is different than closed source types. Obviously, cost will always be an issue. Open source is free! Closed source is not. On the record, open source software packages have had better security that closed source types. A couple examples of open source type software / systems are; Linux and Open Office. Summary Overall, there are no perfect software / systems in the world. Some people might say that closed source software is for novice users and open source software is more for an advanced user base. Both types have a place in the technical world and serve a purpose. Their differences in maintenance, cost, functionality, support, flexibility, and availability will only make a difference in a person to person scenario. It can also come down to convenience and personal preference. Closed source and open source software / systems might have their differences, but where one might outweigh the other they tend to maintain a certain balance.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Southern Authors Versus Contemporary Modern Authors

Southern Authors versus Contemporary Modern Authors The writing style of the southern authors of the past is quite distinctive from the modern contemporary authors of today. They are each unique in their perspective because what or how they view the subjects they write about. Older southern writers such as Wilma Dykeman, Eudora Welty and William Faulkner write of regions where they are from in the South, commonly referred to as the old South. They write stories of the earth, children, history, women, relationships between the black and white races and civil rights movements. Whereas the modern contemporary authors tend to write about their own personal lives and experiences, often repetitiously using the same theme. John Grisham is a famous contemporary modern author that is widely associated with this style. The disparities in the works of the modern contemporary author versus the works of old southern authors are both similar and completely opposite. The author Wilma Dykeman was born in Asheville, North Carolina May 23, 1920. Her first published piece of work was entitled, â€Å"The Tall Woman.† Mountains between the time of the Civil War and the turn of the century. FRAGMENT (-5) The common themes in all of her novels are about woman, family, and the earth. She captures the relationships between blacks and whites in a mythological way. Dykeman wrote in her novels about â€Å"†¦the belief that blacks did not want civil rights and the perception that the civil rights movement was a communist plot.† (Bain and Flora 131). (The period goes after the parentheses.) She exposes the stereotypes that have been associated with the South and all Southerners. â€Å"Wilma Dykeman has been treated as a talented author, but not an important one, perhaps because her novels a re set in Appalachia, an area that has suffered under pejorative definitions of â€Å"regionalism.† (Bain and Flora 134). As a result, she is considered more of an â€Å"... Free Essays on Southern Authors Versus Contemporary Modern Authors Free Essays on Southern Authors Versus Contemporary Modern Authors Southern Authors versus Contemporary Modern Authors The writing style of the southern authors of the past is quite distinctive from the modern contemporary authors of today. They are each unique in their perspective because what or how they view the subjects they write about. Older southern writers such as Wilma Dykeman, Eudora Welty and William Faulkner write of regions where they are from in the South, commonly referred to as the old South. They write stories of the earth, children, history, women, relationships between the black and white races and civil rights movements. Whereas the modern contemporary authors tend to write about their own personal lives and experiences, often repetitiously using the same theme. John Grisham is a famous contemporary modern author that is widely associated with this style. The disparities in the works of the modern contemporary author versus the works of old southern authors are both similar and completely opposite. The author Wilma Dykeman was born in Asheville, North Carolina May 23, 1920. Her first published piece of work was entitled, â€Å"The Tall Woman.† Mountains between the time of the Civil War and the turn of the century. FRAGMENT (-5) The common themes in all of her novels are about woman, family, and the earth. She captures the relationships between blacks and whites in a mythological way. Dykeman wrote in her novels about â€Å"†¦the belief that blacks did not want civil rights and the perception that the civil rights movement was a communist plot.† (Bain and Flora 131). (The period goes after the parentheses.) She exposes the stereotypes that have been associated with the South and all Southerners. â€Å"Wilma Dykeman has been treated as a talented author, but not an important one, perhaps because her novels a re set in Appalachia, an area that has suffered under pejorative definitions of â€Å"regionalism.† (Bain and Flora 134). As a result, she is considered more of an â€Å"...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Father In Six Characters In Search Of An Author

There are many ties between real life and theater thus relating the two so close that sometimes it is hard to separate the two and at other times it is easy to separate them. Theater is like real life in that there is an audience of people always watching what each other are doing, there are actors who might not know they are actors but someone is watching them, there is an unknown outcome and it is immediate. It is unlike real life in that the participants do not know they are participants, things do not happen at a particular time, and life is real and not rehearsed. This is all very evident in Six Characters in Search of an Author because in many different instances, the father, in particular, makes reference to how their situation is real because they are obviously standing there before the actors, life can be an illusion because what happens today is only a memory tomorrow, and this very situation in which they will portray to the actors and producer is more real then anything t hey can hold real. The six characters, on one side of the coin, have certain things about them that are predetermined. These are things like what they look like and how they will react to any possible situation. This allows for sound reality because the characters are there in the theater with the actors wanting to tell them about their lives. The father is a very important character in this play. He stands out as the backbone of getting the situation underway when they first come into the theatre looking for an author. â€Å"You know very well as a man of the theatre, that life is full of all sorts of odd things which have no need at all to pretend to be real because they are actually true. †¦but you must know better then anyone that Nature uses human imagination to lift her work to even higher levels. I want to try and show you that one can be thrust into life in many ways... It might even be as characters in a play.† The father makes many reference... Free Essays on The Father In Six Characters In Search Of An Author Free Essays on The Father In Six Characters In Search Of An Author There are many ties between real life and theater thus relating the two so close that sometimes it is hard to separate the two and at other times it is easy to separate them. Theater is like real life in that there is an audience of people always watching what each other are doing, there are actors who might not know they are actors but someone is watching them, there is an unknown outcome and it is immediate. It is unlike real life in that the participants do not know they are participants, things do not happen at a particular time, and life is real and not rehearsed. This is all very evident in Six Characters in Search of an Author because in many different instances, the father, in particular, makes reference to how their situation is real because they are obviously standing there before the actors, life can be an illusion because what happens today is only a memory tomorrow, and this very situation in which they will portray to the actors and producer is more real then anything t hey can hold real. The six characters, on one side of the coin, have certain things about them that are predetermined. These are things like what they look like and how they will react to any possible situation. This allows for sound reality because the characters are there in the theater with the actors wanting to tell them about their lives. The father is a very important character in this play. He stands out as the backbone of getting the situation underway when they first come into the theatre looking for an author. â€Å"You know very well as a man of the theatre, that life is full of all sorts of odd things which have no need at all to pretend to be real because they are actually true. †¦but you must know better then anyone that Nature uses human imagination to lift her work to even higher levels. I want to try and show you that one can be thrust into life in many ways... It might even be as characters in a play.† The father makes many reference...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hour at these part-time jobs

You can make at least $20/Hour at these part-time jobs Need a part time job, but can’t make it work on minimum wage, or even double minimum wage? Lucky for you, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics came up with a list of part time jobs that pay $20 per hour- or more- which is nearly triple the federal minimum wage. Here are some of the best options in fields that aren’t likely to collapse in the next 10 years and that don’t require more than a bachelor’s degree.1. Dental HygienistEarn an average of $35 an hour, with a job growth rate of 19% projected. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.2. Diagnostic Medical SonographerTake pretty pictures of people’s insides! Make an average of nearly $35 per hour, with projected growth of 26%. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.3. Respiratory TherapistHelp people breathe! Earn an average of $28 per hour, with growth projected at 12%. This job typically requires an associate’s degree.4. Physical Therapy AssistantYou donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t need to be a physical therapist to help train people and work in the field. Earn an average of $21 per hour (projected growth: 39%). This job typically requires an associate’s degree.5. Registered NurseThis is a pretty involved career, not so much like picking up a side job, but it comes with the potential to be compensated well. The average hourly pay is $32 and the projected growth 16%. This job typically requires an bachelor’s degree, plus some specific certification.6. Management AnalystEarn nearly $39 per hour, with job growth projected at 14%. This job typically requires a bachelor’s degree.7. Dietician or NutritionistHelp people lead healthier lives and earn an average of $28 per hour. Projected growth for this job is 16%. This job also typically requires a bachelor’s degree.8. TutorIf you’re looking for something that involves a little less commitment and a bit more flexibility, you can always try tutoring or teaching test prep. If you can help teach advanced material or specialized subjects/exams, you can make up to $75 per hour- but the bare minimum is usually over $20.9. Interpreter or TranslatorAre you already fluent in a language other than English? You can earn an average of $22 per hour providing real time interpretation in places like  schools, hospitals, or courtrooms. You can also get a job with a translation company or work on a freelance basis. Projected growth for this job is 29%.10. Massage TherapistIf you like healing people and you have strong hands and a desire to learn, you can get certified as a massage therapist and make an average of $21 per hour.No matter what your qualifications, there are part-time jobs out there that allow you the flexibility you need in your schedule and still will make it possible for you to pay the rent. When all else fails, consider the service industry (serving, bartending, catering, personal chef-ing, personal assisting, nannying, personal shopping, landscapin g, dog walking, etc.) or the fashion industry (consulting, doing make-up or hair) or even designing apps or selling crafts on Etsy. A little imagination and tenacity can lead to you making a great living on an hourly wage.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What do the photos we take say about us Research Paper

What do the photos we take say about us - Research Paper Example Publication of Prince Harry’s nude photos irrefutably constitutes privacy violation, as can be discerned from the definition of private facts under privacy law. Private facts are information snippets about an individual’s personal life, which have not been previously disclosed to mainstream public and do not bear any justifiable public concern. Publication or disclosure of these private facts is also deemed offensive to reasonable persons in society (Nordhaus, 1999). Clearly, the Prince’s naked photos meet all these criteria. First, intimate photographs of Prince Harry are not ordinarily available to the public. Secondly, the photos are not of any legitimate concern to the public, since the information does not bear any relevance to critical societal matters. Most importantly, any reasonable person would consider the naked photographs offensive. This is because nudity often typifies indecency, which goes against the conventional principles of morality, especially in conservative environments. In addition to the high level of offensiveness and lack of newsworthiness in Prince Harry’s personal photos, diverse media outlets that published the photos did not acquire consent from the subject. This is a vital element when publishing private photographs. The act of publication, therefore, constituted unlawful use of private photographs and was decidedly unfair (Berkman Center for Internet and Society, 2008). Failure to obtain consent also points to the fact that, the respective media outlets solely focused on sensationalizing the photographs and gaining popularity ratings (Jobson, 2012), as opposed to portraying the Prince as a dignified public figure. The publication was, in consequence, morally wrong and disregarded journalistic ethics of responsible and unprejudiced reporting. The unreasonable nature of the act is aggravated even further, by the fact that the subject was photographed in a private

Friday, October 18, 2019

MCH Programs and Policies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MCH Programs and Policies - Assignment Example y contraceptives were safe for use and a litigation by over 60 women and medical groups’ in 2001 forced FDA to approve emergency contraceptives for use over-the-counter for all women. Thereafter, various state government established laws that allowed sale of emergency contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription but in 2011, the Obama administration restricted access to those under 17 years (Center for Reproductive Rights, 2015). The policy has improved economic welfare of many women. They are not inconvenienced by unwanted pregnancies, although it has not reduced the risk of acquiring sexual infections. Religious groups believe plan B causes abortion while but researchers prove it prevents implantation. Emergency contraceptives have reduced agony and suffering from women who previously had to seek abortion services after unprotected sex. College girls no longer drop out of school due to unwanted pregnancy inconveniences (Glasier & Baird, 1998). Drug manufacturers, women rights group, FDA and religious groups have vested interests the bill. Drug manufactures, would want it approved for use by all without restrictions. Women groups find it a right violation and medical groups such as pediatric associations believe that it important because it reduces the cost of unwanted pregnancies and the risk of complications during delivery and late abortions. Religious groups find it immoral. The FDA and government find that people are likely to abuse the drugs (Culp-Ressler, 2013; Faà ºndes, Tavara, Brache, & Alvarez, 2007). Culp-Ressler, T. (2013). Judge Rules Emergency Contraception Should Be Available To All Women Over The Counter. Retrieved from http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/04/05/1826411/judge-plan-b-over-counter/ Faà ºndes, A., Tavara, L., Brache, V., & Alvarez, F. (2007). Emergency contraception under attack in Latin America: response of the medical establishment and civil society. Reproductive Health Matters, 15(29),

The New Improved Iphone by Apple Co Research Paper

The New Improved Iphone by Apple Co - Research Paper Example The device comes with a range of modern innovations that are a major preference to consumers and also the corporate world. It incorporates the latest operating system iOS 5.0, satisfying the yearning for the modern executive market where one can fit their offices in their pockets. Being the successor of the iPhone, it comes with an additional uninsulated stainless steel frame, functioning as the antennae for the device. Additionally, it has an Apple A4 processor and an RAM capacity totaling 512 MB. The elegance that comes with the iPhone 4 demands the setting of an executive, high class member of the executive world, to aid in supporting an office outside the office. For lovers of the iPhone, the iPhone 4 will be a preferred brand accompanied with an improvement on the camera and the advancement on the processor. Product Positioning The new product is the choice of the executive individual and corporate world, favorable for those that are fixed next to the bulk of their offices. It i s an opportunity to work as in the office while on a plane, monitor the stocks at the dinner table or have a business conference while enjoying the comfort of your cabin in the woods. The iPhone 4 is the fourth generation iPhone, having an extra video calling capability to its predecessor while having an extra sensitive touch-screen capability for easier and faster operation. Apple inc. has a predominantly large market for the iPhone production. The users of the iPhone 3GS will be pleased to buy the advanced prototype; including a wider range of features as opposed to the third generation production. Apple Company has a branch in the United States meaning that this will enhance the ease of production and distribution to its customers. Adverting, Pricing and Distribution IPhone 4 currently has a standard recommended price of about $1500 (Apple.com, 2011). This price may seem far-reaching for many people in the United States. Apple applies a price skimming strategy, whereby the utilit y of those in the high class level is only satisfied by the use of the iPhone 4. Therefore, few (if any) of the low class people are considered in the market. However much this reduces the total turn over for Apple, the profit margin set for the product is enough to ensure the profit objective of the enterprise. The American population proves to be a satisfying market for the iPhone 4. Technological advancement in the United States has created the need for advanced applications in the communication environment. Besides being a major and a basic need to have technology driven gadgets, online advertising will help create awareness of the iPhone 4. Additionally, the company will engage in promotional activities that will attract the public into being part of the Apple family. Distribution of the iPhone 4 has been necessitated by having an Apple outlet in the United States. The company operates vastly in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, France and India. Having this ou tlet will ensure a steady distribution of the iPhone 4 to all dimensions of the country (Rosa, 2010). Online shopping has also facilitated marketing and the distribution of t

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Make up one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Make up one - Essay Example As mentioned in the review, delay in time affects â€Å"jury’s decision† which prolongs a victim’s agony. A recent example of this is illustrated in the recent news report by New Haven Register : â€Å"A backlog at the state forensic laboratory is contributing to a delay in the case against a 33-year-old West Haven man accused of raping and killing a 7-year-old girl, a judge said Thursday†( Tinley, 2010) The second recommendation that should be done is to simply establish the right procedure for forensic requests. The first-come first-serve basis must be observed along with a system that thoroughly evaluates the importance of a request. This recommendation shows that the crime lab has difficulty in providing timely forensic results which deters catching criminals. â€Å"All labs have to be accredited, which costs money. But ask police and prosecutors and they will tell you it is the best expenditure that they ever made. Nobody hates bad lab work more than a prosecutor does, thats how cases get lost. They hate it. It is another win-win proposition for the criminal justice system†(Lyons & Burton, 2001, p. 10) A serial killer may be able to escape and continue to commit crime in other states as a result of this delay. Again, implementation of this depends on the managers of the crime laboratory. They may not be wanting in forensic skills, however they need to be trained about management so they can evaluate, and assess their current policies. The third recommendation that must be implemented the least is developing a system of notification for cross-over requests. Again, the recommendation I chose is all about establishing a system which can be delivered by the Technical Assistance Section. It is ironic that while victims are suffering and perpetrators are on the loose, evidence is ready but no one is fully aware of that. Its implementation depends on how the management of the

Euthanasia sholud be lgalised in the uk'.discuss this statemnt giving Essay

Euthanasia sholud be lgalised in the uk'.discuss this statemnt giving arguments on both sides of the debeate - Essay Example In the United States, individuals such as Dr. Jack Kevorkian popularized the practice, gaining significant media attention in the process; still, it must be mentioned that even as Kevorkian gained some mainstream acceptance, he was ultimately convicted for his actions. While euthanasia is illegal in all countries of the United Kingdom, there remains considerable controversy over this legal stance. While both the British Medical Association and the Church of England oppose euthanasia, the majority of the British public is in favor of legalization (Whiting 2002, p. 42). Considering the both sides of the debate, this essay examines whether euthanasia should be legalized in the United Kingdom. A variety of medical and legal contexts have also investigated the notion of euthanasia. Originally, the NHS indicates that euthanasia was originally prohibited in the United Kingdom in 1961 (‘Euthanasia and assisted suicide’, 2012). Currently this act makes contributing to suicide pun ishable by up to fourteen years in prison. While euthanasia is outlawed in the United Kingdom there are a variety of grey areas wherein end of life issues come to the foreground. Prominently the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) implemented the Liverpool Care Pathway which allows doctors to place terminally ill patients on pathway towards death. This has engendered controversy from groups indicating it has been implemented too early in life process (Doughty 2012). The United Kingdom has also legally implemented some of these practices through direct patient interaction, as the Mental Capacity Act of 2005 allows individuals to establish advanced directives in the instance they become mentally capacitated (Liddle 2007, p. 94). Additionally, increased attention has been given to euthanasia of premature babies. Otherwise, however, the United Kingdom law still prohibits euthanasia in most circumstances. Within the United Kingdom, some significant medical perspe ctives in favor of euthanasia are emerging, too. For instance, in 2012, in an editorial of one of the British Medical Journal issues, the author urged the British Medical Association to drop their opposition to euthanasia (White 2012). The argument was largely advanced through natural law ethical foundations. Some of the most prominent voices against euthanasia have emerged from the religious strata of society. As Christianity remains the most dominant religion of the United Kingdom and Western society, it has significantly influenced political and legal thought (‘Ethics Guide’ 2012). The Church of England has objected to the practice of euthanasia on a variety of grounds. The Fifth Commandment states, â€Å"You shall not kill† (Catechism of the Catholic Church n.d.). While there is the understanding that committing euthanasia, if considered at an ethical level, is not directly comparable to other acts of killing, from the Christian point of view it still is a ne gative occurrence. The Catholic Catechism states: â€Å"Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Make up one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Make up one - Essay Example As mentioned in the review, delay in time affects â€Å"jury’s decision† which prolongs a victim’s agony. A recent example of this is illustrated in the recent news report by New Haven Register : â€Å"A backlog at the state forensic laboratory is contributing to a delay in the case against a 33-year-old West Haven man accused of raping and killing a 7-year-old girl, a judge said Thursday†( Tinley, 2010) The second recommendation that should be done is to simply establish the right procedure for forensic requests. The first-come first-serve basis must be observed along with a system that thoroughly evaluates the importance of a request. This recommendation shows that the crime lab has difficulty in providing timely forensic results which deters catching criminals. â€Å"All labs have to be accredited, which costs money. But ask police and prosecutors and they will tell you it is the best expenditure that they ever made. Nobody hates bad lab work more than a prosecutor does, thats how cases get lost. They hate it. It is another win-win proposition for the criminal justice system†(Lyons & Burton, 2001, p. 10) A serial killer may be able to escape and continue to commit crime in other states as a result of this delay. Again, implementation of this depends on the managers of the crime laboratory. They may not be wanting in forensic skills, however they need to be trained about management so they can evaluate, and assess their current policies. The third recommendation that must be implemented the least is developing a system of notification for cross-over requests. Again, the recommendation I chose is all about establishing a system which can be delivered by the Technical Assistance Section. It is ironic that while victims are suffering and perpetrators are on the loose, evidence is ready but no one is fully aware of that. Its implementation depends on how the management of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Women and American Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women and American Revolution - Essay Example The main distinction was on the basis of races; the blacks and the whites. Even though affected the educational and cultural development of the nation, the American Revolution resulted in the formation of the powerful nation in the world. In the midst of 17th Century the need of women education became prominent and activists began to write books and journals on women rights, and this showed the revolutionary ideology toward women Education. Supporters like Catherine Beecher, established certain institutions to provide women education, when they were confined to work at home. She emphasized on women education by teaching women how to learn their children at home, rather than involving only on household works. The introduction of Oberlin College in 1833 and Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 are considered to be milestones in history of American Women Education. The Convention provided opportunity for women to get educated at home and also criticized the issues of suffrage. For a better educated nation, as the children were first taught by their mothers, better educated women can only educate their children, so it arouse the need for women education. After all the country was in need of a lot number of teachers and male t eachers couldn't be found to fill vacancies. The introduction of religious institutions was another main leap in women education.

The events leading to the Monroe Doctrine Essay Example for Free

The events leading to the Monroe Doctrine Essay After Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated and exiled, the old monarchies of Europe acted quickly to reassert their old power. They crushed the democratic rebellions and restored dethroned monarchs to their thrones. Rumor had it that they wanted to destroy the new Latin America republics and restore the lands to colonial rule by Spain. Britain did not want this to happen because the monopoly-free ports of the new Latin American republics were profitable so the British minister at that time, George Canning, suggested that the United States and Great Britain jointly declare the Americas off limits to the European powers. At that time, Russia was expanding its territory from Alaska down the west coast of the North American continent and the people in the United States was afraid that the Russians would cut the Americans off from its window to the Pacific Ocean. This, combined with the fact that the Americans were also profiting from the monopoly free ports of Latin America motivated the United States to make some kind of declaration. There was opposition to a joint declaration with Great Britain because they didnt want to be morally held back from acquiring Spanish lands in the Americas. John Quincy Adams correctly saw that even if the United States did not join Britain the British would still protect the ports so he advocated a declaration by the United States without the British. President Monroe announced to the world during his regular annual address to Congress that the era of colonization was over in the Americas and that the European powers were not to interfere in the new Latin American republics. Since Monroe said it, this doctrine was named after him. The Monroe Doctrine could be said to be a self-protection doctrine because the noncolonization part was mainly directed at the Russian who were expanding down the west coast and if they were stopped, the United States would be guaranteed access to the Pacific Ocean. The noninterference part was another way that the United States protected itself. If a European nation took control of any land in the Americas the United States would be in danger of invasions. The Monroe Doctrine was an isolationist document because it prevented the  interference of any European nation in the Americas. In the terms of the Monroe Doctrine, Monroe warned the European powers away from the western hemisphere and in return the United States wont interfere with the war between the Greeks and the Turks in Europe. In short, the United States said that if Europe wouldnt interfere with American affairs then the United States wouldnt interfere with European affairs. By rejecting the British hand in partnership, the United States also followed the policy of isolationism because they did not accept European help even though their military was no match for European armed forces.

Monday, October 14, 2019

China S Big Mac Attack Media Essay

China S Big Mac Attack Media Essay American companies are charged with exporting American culture along with their products. This is not a new occurrence as this charge can be traced back to the sugar and tobacco trades of old. To further explore this accusation I will review two writings that attempt to tackle the subject, although from totally different perspectives. The first is an essay by J.L. Watson called Chinas Big Mac Attack which takes a laissez-faire look at the events that lead up to Chinas love affair with the fast food giant. The second writing is a book by Benjamin Barber titled Jihad vs. McWorld that presents a much darker look at multi-national corporations and their diabolical plot to capture the world. My contention is that neither extreme is correct, the truth lying somewhere in the middle as is the case with most complex issues. According to Watson in Chinas Big Mac Attack (2000), fast food restaurants have made considerable inroads into Chinese culture; consequently, he asks the question: Is globalism and its cultural variant, McDonaldization the face of the future? (Watson, 2000) An essential inquiry as we begin our examination of western influences on the rest of the world. First Watson professes to review the writings of the theorists who argue that transnational corporations like McDonalds provide the shock troops for a new form of imperialism that is far more successful, and therefore more insidious, than its militaristic antecedents (Watson, 2000). But instead of academicians, he analyses op-ed writers such as Ronald Steel and Thomas Friedman, who has noted that no countries with McDonalds have ever fought each other in a war (Watson, 2000). To further examine the riddle of the successful inroads made by fast food corporations, Watson next delves into the history of McDonalds in Hong Kong (a British consulate where McDonalds was promotedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ as an outpost of American culture (Watson, 2000). Because of transformations in family life and traditional family values in China, Watson observes that McDonalds has taken advantage of a budding focus on the needs and aspirations of the modern Chinese family, especially given the lavish attention bestowed upon the single child, the little emperors and empresses who are particularly defenseless to the amusement of Uncle McDonald (Watson, 2000). Although, there are those that will disagree, Watson points out that McDonalds has become a target for public protests against America, which has amplified the symbolic load borne by the golden arches (Watson, 2000). McDonalds has countered by disciplining its employees and its customer base, and by doing so, has attracted an elite group flourishing within the modernized, consumer-based cultures that are emerging in markets around the world. McDonalds has ingeniously entrenched itself into the local cultures in such a way that it is increasingly difficult to see where the transnational ends and the local begins (Watson, 2000). The changing of cultural norms because of western impositions is further illustrated in Watson by discussion of the line which is first mandated by managers but later self-enforced by regular customers (Watson, 2000); ironically, public civility is now associated with western norms in Asian cities like Beijing. The cultural contrasts between fast food establishments in America and Beijing becomes more apparent, however, in Watsons discussion of how consumers in the Far East have turned the fast food restaurants into community centers where they can safely visit, read, or en tertain (Watson, 2000). Like James Watson, Benjamin Barber acknowledges in his book Jihad vs. McWorld (1992), that the concepts associated with multinationals such as McDonalds, Disney, and Coke are more powerful than military force: What is the power of the Pentagon compared with Disneyland? Can the Sixth Fleet keep up with CNN? McDonalds in Moscow and Coke in China will do moreà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ than military colonization ever could (Barber, 1992, p. 12). The first part of the book involves McWorld, the ever- growing service sector of the international economy, mainly as it manifests itself in what Barber calls the infotainment telesector, American in culture if not always in name. He sums it up in a score of brand names and pop icons: Disney and Paramount, Nike and Reebok, Madonna and MTV, Coke and Pepsi, Homer Simpson and Batman, Kentucky Fried Chicken and, needless to say, McDonalds. These multi-national corporations are, according to Barber, relentlessly promoting its ideology of fun at the expense of lo cal institutions and folkways, this virtual economy of images and lifestyles promises to become nothing less than a world monoculture (Barber, 1992, p. 58). For civic life, this is particularly bad news, Barber contends. Manipulated by promotion, spin, packaging, and advertising, citizens lose awareness of public matters, falling prey to passive consumption and devoting themselves exclusively to the satisfaction of their consumer wants. According to Barber in Jihad vs. McWorld we face two possible political futures both bleak, neither democratic [either] a Jihad in the name of a hundred narrowly conceived faiths against every kind of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦social cooperation and civic mutuality, [or] one commercially homogenous global network: one McWorld tied together by technology, ecology, communications, and commerce (Barber, 1992, p. 315). Barber indicates that the forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions so as to create a centrifugal whirlwind that competes with a centripetal black hole (Barber, 1992, p. 315). Neither version is presented as a desirable outcome. Barber asserts that McWorld has eroded national boundaries because all national markets have become vulnerable to free trade and international banking / currency exchanges that allow and privilege transnational and multinational corporations and entities like the World Bank. On the surface, peace is fostered by open markets. Religious and racial markers become less important when the more important characteristic of being human is seen as being able to shop and consume. (Barber, 1992, p. 16). Furthermore, no one country can sustain itself as an autarky anymore; we are all interdependent. Even wealthy countries like the United States depend on resources (like oil) found in other areas of the world (Barber, 1992, p. 372). The flow of goods is paralleled by the flow of ideas across boundaries because of modern developments in science and technology, particularly in the integration of computer, television, cable, satellite, laser, fiber-optic, and microchip technologies that have given us access to information and people all of the time in all places (Barber, 1992, p. 108). Barber warns that capitalism and democracy have a relationship, but it is something less than a marriage (Barber, 1992, p. 126). Principally in ecological and environmental matters, capitalism has created greater inequality because the modern world cannot afford to allow developing countries to consume natural resources at the progressively more devastating rate that we see happening in the current consumer markets. The U.S. is experiencing, through increased immigration and more socially liberal views, a shift in family values. As the manufacturing base in the United States continues to be shifted abroad, the western culture remains the last product available for export. As we have already seen in discussions of changing families and values in the U.S., globally, these changes are taking root in many parts of the world, so that these debates between being a consumer or a citizen take on global implications. Six billion people consuming at the same rate that Americans now consume would inevitably lead to environmental destruction and disputes would lead to wars over natural resources. As Watson acknowledges, the question is no longer simply whose culture is it that dominates; the more important question is what will be the outcome of adventurism associated with rising affluence (Watson, 2000) as markets are opened and imports (and the Internet) make shopping a world-wide event? The question of prevention hinges on whether this phenomenon should be halted or prevented in the first place. The more alike all individuals are as a global people, the less reason there will be for wars. Most wars today are fought on the basis of differences. The difference in question may be religion, politics, race, or culture. Differences and diversity may be great if these items are dragged out on holidays or practiced in private. However, when these cultural or religious differences invade the work-place or the government, it is a recipe for disaster and exclusion. If Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and the American media can bring about this homogenyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦more power to them.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Should Women Have the Right to make the Decision? Essay -- social issu

Should Women Have the Right to make the Decision? Abortion: Should women have the right to make that decision? According to Planned Parenthood, â€Å"Abortion is a way to end pregnancy. Sometimes, an embryo or fetus stops developing and the body expels it. This is called spontaneous abortion or "miscarriage." A woman can also choose to end a pregnancy. This is called induced abortion. There are three ways it can be done — with medicine, vacuum aspiration, or surgery†(Parenthood). Abortion has been a part of our country for many years, but it has only been a hot topic for debate for the last twenty-five years. As far as how long abortion has been around for that is an interesting question. According to some historians, abortion has been around in some form for thousands of years. It is believed that some â€Å"ancient tribes who were sometimes forced to move quickly would perform abortions on the pregnant women because these women would slow down the entire tribe†(Lewis). According to an article on a women’s history web site abortion laws started developing in the 1820’s â€Å"forbidding abortion after the forth month of pregnancy†(Lewis, 2004). It also states that â€Å"most abortions had been all but outlawed by 1900†(Lewis, 2004). In 1965, all fifty states banned abortion. Of course there is always an exception to the rules a loophole if you will, you can still have an abortion if it would â€Å"save the life of the mother, in case of rape or incest, or if the fetus was deformed† (Lewis). It was not until 1973 that the Supreme Court ruled most existing state abortion laws unconstitutional via the case of Roe vs. Wade. â€Å"This decision ruled out any legislative interference in the first trimester of pregnancy and put limits on what restrictions could be passed on abortions in later stages of pregnancy† (Lewis). Since these, decision made by the Supreme Court there has been many different groups protesting the rulings of 1973. Some of these groups protested in ways that were non-violent, while other groups went as far as bombing abortion clinics. Currently the latest issue facing the anti-abortion movement is the termination of late term pregnancies also called â€Å"partial birth abortions†. When discussing the abortion topic you should know about the two main players. The first ones are against abortion and believe that it is immoral and unconstitutional f... ...ghts of the mother and give them to a child that is not yet even developed enough to sustain life on its own. Women have been fighting for their rights for many years, and to allow somebody to take even one of those right away is unthinkable to me, and I am a guy what do you think women would say about this. I think that it is put best in a statement from Planned Parenthood â€Å"Abortion is never an easy decision, but women have been making that choice for thousands of years, for many good reasons†(parenthood). Works cited Kirkeby, Kelsey. "Should Abortion be legal." Should Abortion be legal. 18 Feb. 2005. 23 Feb. 2005 Lewis, Jone Johnson. "A history of the abortion controversy in the United States." Women's History. 2004. 23 Feb. 2005 Parenthood, Planned . "Nine reasons why abortions are legal." mar. 1989. Planned Parenthood Federation of America. 23 Feb. 2005 Parenthood, Planned . "what is abortion?." Choosing Abortion-Questions and Answers. Mar. 2003. Planned Parenthood. 24 Feb. 2005 "The History of Abortion." What is abortion. Abortion Info. 23 Feb. 2005 WCLA,. Legal Abortion: Arguments Pro & Con. Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion, Inc.. 23 Feb. 2005

Friday, October 11, 2019

Medieval Castles :: essays research papers

Medieval Castles Medieval Castles were huge protection camps made to protect the king. They had every kind of defense known to medieval man. From murder holes, to arrow-loops, a castle had it. Medieval castles were usually built on a high rocky cliff located by water. Castle locations were very hard to find and sometimes months were spent looking for one. A moat was built around the castle and was usually filled with sewage and bathroom â€Å"goodies.† All these things played an important part in keeping the castle strong and ready to fight. A couple other defenses the castle had were murder holes; soldiers would dump many things on the sieging warriors. Another tactic was the arrow-loops; a small slender cut in the castle wall that arrows could be shot out from but not in to. See Diagram. Castles also had huge 20-foot walls to be protected from. Only two-ways in or out from the wall were present. One in the front of the castle where two iron gates had to be broken. Another gate was located somewhere towards the back of the castle. It was a secret gate that was very hard to find, and only the king knew where the gate had been hidden. The gate was used during an attack to escape from the siege. In the middle of the castle there was a huge building called the keep. This is where the king and queen slept, the kitchen and armory was also located inside. The dinning quarters (the largest room inside) was used very frequent and many employees were assigned to it. The castle was the heart and soul of the country. The king and queen and all of their loyal servants were inside, running the

Formal And Informal Assessment And Evaluation Education Essay

Appraisal and rating has become critical issues particularly in the field of learning and larning ; it requires alert consideration by every instruction practician in any educational establishment. This is besides the country where many instructors sink into the pool of confusion. But it has its cardinal map, which is to roll up information on the accomplishment of every single pupil and judge their mundane advancement. In other words, it serve critical function in the procedure of effectual instruction and acquisition. Therefore, this essay will explicate my apprehension of appraisal and rating from the positions of development, formal, informal, particular demands, and criterions in brief. However, to make this, we foremost need to specify appraisal and rating. The word appraisal is derived from the Latin word ‘assidere ‘ significance ‘to sit beside ‘ . It is obvious that simple tone of this phrase is comforting, and it suggests common assurance and apprehension. So, it indirectly tells that being of positive association between appraisal and the procedure of instruction and acquisition in schools is necessary. By and big, appraisal is a procedure of roll uping information relation to some identified purposes and aims involved with pupils ‘ advancement and accomplishment in the procedure of instruction and acquisition. More specifically, schoolroom appraisal refers to the procedure of assemblage, entering, construing, utilizing and pass oning information about their advancement and accomplishment during the development of cognition, constructs, accomplishments and attitudes. Harmonizing to Lloyd-Jones and Bray ( 1986 ) appraisal is referred to the procedure in which certain quality of a pupil ‘s instruction is measured, by the instructor, an tester or the pupil. It is means to mensurate worthiness of pupils ‘ public presentation. Assessment, hence, involves much more than proving. It is an on-going procedure that encompasses many formal and informal activities intended to analyze and better instruction and acquisition in all countries of the course of study. On the other manus, rating is more or less defined as the procedure of judging comparative virtue, value, or worthiness of educational plans, or techniques by utilizing realistic information generated through appraisal. It helps in updating the nature and grade of acquisition ; plays polar function in curricular determination devising ; and it favour better links between acquisition, and the purposes and aims of learning. Furthermore, it creates strong bond between larning and the environments in which larning takes topographic point. Therefore, in educational scene, appraisal and rating seeks grounds that the acquisition activities designed for pupils are effectual.Appraisal and Evaluation from the position of developmentWhy do we measure and measure? This is the first inquiry that knocks in my head whenever I look assessment and rating from an angle of development. Generally, instructors plays critical function in developmental appraisal and rating of pupils ‘ acquisition and plans for many grounds: First, appraisal and rating aid instructors and pupil matter decision makers to heighten their apprehension of the demands of a persistently changing pupil population. In add-on, it will assist in placing developmental holds in pupils and to develop schemes for intercession. For that, I would prefer to utilize the construct of incorporate theoretical account of kid development. It is because the theoretical account covers up all developmental countries such as sensory, behavioral, linguistic communication, motor, perceptual, societal cognitive and emotional accomplishments. So it can besides be used to better holistic development of pupils as a pupil, ego, and valuable citizen of the state as it reflects their personality every bit good as their grade of accomplishment in the field of acquisition. Second, appraisal is besides meant to develop efficient educational institutional programs and policies to run into pupils ‘ developmental demands and acquisition manners. They are important for progressing the quality and easy handiness of plans and services. Third, we can non avoid its greatest part in course of study development. Through appraisal and rating, we will be able to assist course of study developers for make up one's minding how we might better classs and programmes. At the same clip, as a instructor we can lend in making alteration on course of study, class stuffs, learning methodological analysiss, etc. It is because assessment consequences can specially supply a powerful rational for procuring scaffold for course of study alterations, development and reappraisal.Formal and Informal Assessment and EvaluationA formal appraisal is besides sometimes known as summational appraisal. And it is by and large assessed in the signifier of quiz, trial, or paper and is graded based on how good pupil is able to execute. A summational appraisal is usually carried out at the terminal of unit or faculty. Furthermore, formal appraisals are categorized into criterion-referenced trials and norm-referenced trials. Criterion-referencing is assessment based on certain standard or rule, and norm-referencing is graded appraisal based on the comparings of scholars ‘ accomplishment against one another from clip to clip. I prefer more of standard citing method than norm-referencing because it can be used to judge pupils ‘ accomplishment and advancement on a series of cardinal standards set based on moderately expected acquisition results and aims. Whereas, norm-referencing is based on the hypothesis, that a more or less similar scope of human public presentation can be anticipated for any pupil group. On the other manus, Informal appraisal is referred as formative trial, and it is a uninterrupted procedure of appraisal and rating. Feedback plays critical function here as it allows both scholars and instructors to measure acquisition and topographic point out the countries for betterment. But which one could be the best signifier of appraisal, formal or informal? In my sentiment, the usage of informal appraisals is best for the overall acquisition. It facilitate instructors to assess pupils through a scope of classroom-based activities, place pupils failing so and at that place and get down work for the betterment, instead than waiting at the last minute like informal appraisal.Appraisal and Evaluation for particular demands pupilsStudents ‘ holding jobs such as: motor, lingual, cognitive, behavioral, organisational, address and physical disablements are normally referred as particular needs pupils, and it besides includes talented pupils. They should non be left out without normal instruction. Particular agreements or particular demands adjustments should be offered to them in order to prosecute their academic ends and accomplish a higher degree of personal autonomy. Similarly they besides need to be evaluated and identified their strengths, failings and give guiding rules to do effectual advancement in achieving their academic ends. Other than instructors and equals, pupils ‘ household should affect in it. So, I feel that, by constructing an confederation with their parents ; obtaining pupils ‘ developmental history and current household experience ; and discoursing issues with them would assist greatly for turn toing challenges in steering particular needs pupils to win like other normal pupils. Furthermore, rating will be holistic and addresses all facets of operation. For that we should non bury to take pupils ‘ single acquisition manners into history as all pupils do non hold same learning capableness and ways. Sometimes pupils with particular demands are integrated in regular schoolrooms because the chief thought of appraisal and rating in this field itself is to see whether a pupil is able to accommodate, do advancement and met aims in normal category like normal pupils. Assessment indicates whether the pupil learned the stuffs intended and what are some of the drawbacks countries to be improved. So schools and teacher must give all pupils an equal chance to instruction. Infect, they should supply counteractive aid to particular needs pupils. Never the less, we as a instructor, in order to choose instruction plan and activities suited for our pupils, we must carefully measure our options and see the particular needs of our handicapped pupils. Standards based Assessment and Evaluation Here, it includes two types of educational criterions, a content criterion and a public presentation criterion. A content criterion defines the cognition, constructs, and accomplishments get at each class degree, while public presentation criterion province the degree of public presentation that is considered acceptable alining to the benchmark set by the instructors. Standards-based appraisal and rating is meant to place pupils with different gait and capablenesss in acquisition, so that we can plan schemes to assist them and do all of them achieve and maestro to the degree that they are required to retain certain benchmark in acquisition. Understanding ‘Standardized Test ‘ and its features is necessary when we discuss about appraisal and rating from the position of criterion as it is one of the instrument required in standard appraisal and rating procedure. Range of cognition and apprehension in specific topic is being assessed through standardised testing on pupils. And it is a snapshot in clip where appraisals are administered and scored in the same manner for all pupils. For illustration, multiple-choice inquiries and written responses to be answered within a given clip frame are illustrations of standard trial. That means pupils are non allowed to utilize outer resources or mentions in order to finish the trial. Their public presentation on these trials decides whether they will be promoted or non from one class to the following. And this is what about every school territory now administers it. However, it is of import for us non to acquire confused of Standardized trials with the criterions motion, which approve definite grade-level content and public presentation criterions in chief topic sphere. Frequently, regulated unvarying trials are non associated with province and territory content criterions, and these causes perceptibly lose of connexion between what is being taught and what is being tested. So as a instructor we have to treat our learning harmonizing to the course of study. The standard rating will enable other school betterment program and undertakings, and to convey progress alterations in course of study and teaching method, and incorporation of new appraisals. So standardised appraisal and rating is uniformly regulated trial which it refers to when every pupil at a peculiar class degree has to undergo the same trial with same inquiry, at same clip frame in same twelvemonth throughout the state. In the nutshell, we would happen that the descriptions given in above paragraphs are all positions from different positions constructed by speculating the both particular needs pupils and normal pupil as an active in structuring their ain acquisition in the context of societal interaction ; function of educational establishments and instructors in set uping the kid ‘s phase of development in any facet of acquisition, and that information collected through assorted appraisal and rating methods will so be used to ‘scaffold ‘ the following acquisition and course of study development.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Day the Cowboys Quit

Ashley Tran 9:00 AM History 1301 Lori Lehtola John Brown John Brown was an abolitionist who had a big hatred over slavery. His feelings of hate were so strong over slavery that it led him to seize the United States arsenal at Harper’s Ferry. John began a huge massacre along the Pottawatomie Creek along the Kansas territory. It all began on the month October and the year of 1859. Brown had a psychotic way of thinking and doing things. John’s great plan was to arm slaves for a future rebellion.He was an anti-slavery man and tried to do everything in his power to keep slavery from happening in Kansas, but he was also a murderer. I believe that he told people he was anti-slavery, which he was, but had a feeling inside him that liked taking other people’s lives. The three authors who contributed to the article about John Brown were W. E. B. Du Bois, Robert Penn Warren, and David S. Reynolds. Their respected backgrounds impacted their views of Brown and his actions. W. E. B. Du Bois’s background was greatly respected by Brown’s article. W. E. B. elieved that because of John Brown’s actions over slavery, it gave everyone his or her right to freedom. According to Du Bois, all men are equal and are no less than one another. Du Bois stated that â€Å"slavery is wrong† so we must â€Å"kill it†. His opinion is respected by John’s actions because he views it in a way in which that what John Brown did was right. He earned us our freedom. If it weren’t for what Brown did, we wouldn’t have our freedom. W. E. B. was one of the most influential African American intellectuals of the 20th century. He played a founding role in the NAACP, which was a path breaking civilization.Because of how Du Bois viewed John Brown’s actions and how he strongly believed that what he did about slavery was right would be an impact on why he got involved with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Pe ople. Robert Penn Warren believes that even though John Brown had such an enormous religious faith, God was not on neither sides of John Brown nor the South. What Brown did was abnormal and not Godly, according to Warren. Robert’s background has impacted his view on John Brown in a way that he believed Brown was responsible for his criminal- like actions.He believes that what Brown did to the proslavery was not based on God. Meaning, it wasn’t a God based decision, it was more of a Godly excuse he used towards his criminal actions. Robert mainly focused on themes of Southern culture and history. His personal understanding of John Brown’s actions has greatly impacted his history about the south and his knowledge about its history of culture. David S. Reynolds wonders how John Brown could spare murder with such a religious faith. David stated that Brown â€Å"used violence in order to create a society devoid of slavery and racism. He believed that John Brown didn ’t just do it for slavery, but did it because his goal was a democratic society; race, religion, and gender didn’t even matter. David has his particular opinion about Brown’s actions because he thought that what Brown did to these proslavery people wasn’t for the reason he said for doing so. Reynold’s background has impacted his view on John Brown and his actions because he can inform others about his opinion on Brown’s actions. His opinion †reflects a twenty-first century on Brown informed by the September 11, 2001, terrorists attacks on the United States. Basically, he thought of John as more of a terrorist than a hero of slavery. W. E. B. Du Bois, Robert Penn Warren, and David S. Reynold’s were all impacted in different ways by John Brown’s actions. Their own particular opinions were based on how they viewed John Brown’s actions. John’s huge massacre at Pottawatomie Creek was his psychotic way of handling things. He was a murderer of proslavery and his excuse was God. These three authors who contributed to John Brown’s article were interested in African American society or Southern history. Their view on John Brown’s history has impacted their own.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Pick 5 short stories and write 5 responds ( each just have to be one Essay

Pick 5 short stories and write 5 responds ( each just have to be one page) - Essay Example From the description about the colonel in the story, one could conclude that his personality could best be described as a remorseless person in a chaotic country that embraced violence among their people (James, Denise & Tom 85). The colonel reveals his evil personality to the author with no compunction, â€Å"He spilled many human ears on the table† (James, Denise & Tom 85). Furthermore, the author manages to reveal to the reader that the colonel behaved that way since his people had become hard to difficult to govern plus he had enemies. This story written by Fred Leebron remains as an intriguing fictional story that entails a lady that broke up with her boyfriend and sought for revenge. The story begins with a happy time memory of the couple being by the river side enjoying themselves, â€Å"She touches his hair by the river† (James, Denise & Tom 157). The author in the story jumps back and forth in telling her story as she reveals her past relationship and links to the current event. From the story, one could realize that the author enjoyed pleasant times with the man he dated before they moved to his apartment. As the author compares the past life with the present, one could realize that the two had broken up though the author had the key of the apartment. The author goes to her ex-boyfriends apartment and turns on the gas stove without lighting it, then walks away. The author is angry with the man and plans for a fire accident to occur in his apartment since she knew that he liked to smoke, â€Å"The air smells of autumn, burnt† (James, Denise & Tom 157). This story hence reveals the bitterness of a girl who feels cheated in entering a relationship with the man she speaks about, â€Å"His former girlfriends have turned into lesbians† (James, Denise & Tom 157). The readers remain left in suspense on what will happen to the former boyfriend when the author leaves the apartment with the gas stove on â€Å"I turn it on without lighting† (James, Denise & Tom

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Wedding Ceremony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wedding Ceremony - Essay Example This definition, however, fails to highlight the actual meaning and worth of a wedding ceremony. In most cultures weddings underscored the need for the transition from one stage of life to another. It may no longer be seen that way but in Greek cultures, for example, wedding marked the transition of a woman from one â€Å"Oikos† to her new â€Å"Oikos†. â€Å"She changed from a partner, a maiden, to a nymph, a married woman without children, when she married and then finally to a gyne, an adult woman when she bore her first child. The entire set of marriage rites focused on the bride and her relocation to a new Oikos and Kurios, the most important transition in her life.† (Powers, 1997) The wedding in Greek culture would last three days where each day had an important cultural significance. The first day was the day when a bride would offer her toys and other childhood stuff to deities. This was done to mark her freedom from her old life and transition into a new life. Similarly for Romans as well, the wedding was a critical rite and did not just mean the act of marrying two people. In Roman culture, people could legally live together without a wedding and hence when a ceremony took place, it meant much more than just legalizing the marriage. Just like the Greek ceremony, Romans would also have a day on which the bride would perform certain rituals to mark her transition to the next stage of life. She would also get rid of her toys and childhood belongings. However, the most important part of the ceremony was the hairdo and the dress. The Roman bride would wear the dress only once and her hair would be styled in a particular manner. The veil was a must and it had to be worn by all brides.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Materials selection using CES material program Coursework

Materials selection using CES material program - Coursework Example Shaft should be string since it provides the facet for holding the umbrella. The ligaments or ribs connect to the shaft and help in maintaining the shape of the umbrella. HST Aluminum provides the best option for the shaft design because it is commercially available; it is light in weight, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. The arms keep the umbrella in shape. Material selection using CES program indicate that aluminum is the best material for arm design. HST Aluminum is commercially available; it is light in weight, much harder, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. The joint is made of plastic since plastic is easier to construct, saves money, and is readily available. Compared to other types of plastics, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) best suits umbrella joints. Low Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene, High Density Polyethylene, and Polyethylene Terephthalate are weak. The cover material-Nylon (polyamide), provides the best choice for clothing material because it is: resilient to wear, difficult to link except mechanically, self-lubricating, creamy in color, resistant to extremely high temperatures, resistant to most chemicals, machines well, low friction coefficient, hard tough, bearing surfaces. For the spring design, Ferritic steel is used because it is capable of maintaining its strength indeterminately, the surface is well sheltered from rust, recyclable and it is flexible and strong. Ferritic steels are also non-magnetic and contain less carbon (0.1%), 12-17% chromium, and other elements used in alloys; factors vital for the strength of the finished products. The material selection above indicates that assembling an umbrella is a difficult engineering work. Several modern umbrellas have telescoping frames that enclose expansion springs. The frames are also attached to the second spring using a rider. The duties that each part carries out prove that the material selection phase needs proper analysis by CES. Mechanisms

Sunday, October 6, 2019

England's Seven Years War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

England's Seven Years War - Essay Example For some historians, the Seven Years’ War is seen as an extension of the War of Austrian Succession. Frederick II of Prussia had forced Austria into the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, which the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa signed only to buy time to rebuild Austria’s military and extend its alliances. Austria successfully created bonds with France and Russia, while Prussia’s sole but powerful ally was England. England and Prussia formed a strong alliance, due to the military dominance of the former on the sea and the latter on land.2 According Schultz, while the causes of the Seven Years’ War were European in nature3, across the globe, France and England competed for commercial and colonial supremacy. In America especially, the attempts of the British colonies to expand westward were thwarted by French presence in the Mississippi Valley. The French built a series of forts there to stop British movement, which became a focal point for armed conflict.4 In Europe, bolstered by the support of England, Frederick II attacked Saxony and Prague. The Russians attacked and bested a force in East Prussia at the Battle of Gross-Jagersdorf. Austria and France worked to crush the Prussian army in 1757, but Frederick II was able to victor at the Battles of Rossbach and Leuthen, restoring the Prussian advantage.5 The French enjoyed early successes in the war. Sloan notes that French troops were vigorous in asserting their presence in New York, while the English did very little.6 The French general Montcalm easily took Fort Oswego there and began to assert a real and threatening presence in North America.7 The French also had victory at Fort William Henry, which they surrounded and attacked for five days, killing 300 British who were also suffering from a small pox epidemic. Although Montcalm had promised the British they could