
Monday, September 30, 2019

Filipino Mental Health Culture Paper

Introduction â€Å"Culture comprises of shared beliefs values, and practices that guide a group’s members in patterned ways of thinking and acting. Culture can also be viewed as a blueprint for guiding actions that impact care, health, and well-being† (Leininger & McFarland, 2006). â€Å"Culture is more than ethnicity and social norms; it includes religious, geographic, socio-economic, occupational, ability-or disability-related, and sexual orientation-related beliefs and behaviors. Each group has cultural beliefs, values, and practices that guide its members in ways of thinking and acting.Cultural norms help members of the group make sense of the world around them and make decisions about appropriate ways to relate and behave. Because cultural norms prescribe what is â€Å"normal† and ‘abnormal,† culture helps develop concepts of mental health and illness† (Varcarolis & Halter, 2010). Discussed further will be the mental health of Filipino Ame ricans as well as mental health information from The Philippines. Mental Health Needs â€Å"A strong belief that spirits are a cause of physical and mental illness is prevalent throughout the Western Pacific Region, including the Philippines.The strong influence of religion on the Filipino people has however, generated a strong and positive sense of spirituality, which is considered a source of strength in the individual. Since this spirituality is actively acknowledged and practiced in communities, it is recognized as a major coping mechanism in times of social deprivation and disadvantage, crises, political upheavals, and natural and man- Running Head: FILIPINO MENTAL HEALTH CULTURE PAPER 3 made disasters.Psychosocial intervention programs during these times often integrate a psycho-spiritual approach. It is though that the rate of successful suicide is low because taking one’s life is considered a sin (Conde, 2004). † Family Support â€Å"The family is the basic un it of society. It is still considered to be very important and there is active consciousness in the majority of Filipinos to preserve this despite the many social conditions that threaten its structure and the roles within it.While the nuclear family is evolving in the rapidly expanding urban areas, extended families are still prevalent. Families are clos-knit and influenced by tradition. Major decisions are not made unless parents are consulted and have given their approval. Family support is crucial as a basis of community support in times of need† (Conde, 2004). â€Å"Mental illness is dealt with through the help of family and friends and faith in God. One's mental affliction is identified as the family's illness and is associated with shame and stigma.The open display of emotional affliction is discouraged in favor of social harmony. Assistance is often sought from relatives and peers before approaching professionals. Decisions, including health care practices and prefere nces, advance directives, and consent for procedures and treatment, are commonly made in consultation with the family† (Sanchez & Gaw, 2007). â€Å"Some families view children with mental illness as â€Å"bringers of good luck†. Filipinos willingly interact with persons with mental illness, but they may not accept them as cohabitants or employees.The rejection is based on the belief that persons with mental affliction are Running Head: FILIPINO MENTAL HEALTH CULTURE PAPER 4 dangerously unpredictable. Filipinos generally unconditionally sacrifice time and vocation to accept and care for their disabled family members† (Sanchez & Gaw, 2007). Access to Mental Health Care â€Å"Among Asian American ethnic groups, Filipinos have the second largest representation (behind their peers of Chinese ancestry) within the total Asian American Pacific Islander population of approximately 10 million people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002). † â€Å"Although Filipino Americans ar e generally categorized within the aggregated â€Å"Asian American: group, Asian Americans are not a homogenous group with respect to mental health status. † In a study comparing Asian ethnic groups and Asian-specifically Filipino Americans have been found to have one of the highest levels of depressive symptoms of all Asian ethnic groups in the United States, second only to Korean Americans. Although the need for psychiatric treatment exists, Filipino Americans were found to underutilize ublic outpatient mental health services (Baello & Mori, 2007). â€Å"It would seem that Filipino Americans, perceived as the most westernized of the Asian Americans, would be more apt to adapt to the American culture. However, they remain among the most mislabeled and culturally marginalized of the Asian Americans. Increased time of residence in the United States may not necessarily reflect an increase in the adoption of American lifestyle and culture† (Sanchez & Gaw, 2007) The Philip pines have a National Mental Health Policy.There is no mental health legislation and the laws that govern the provision of mental health services are contained in Running Head: FILIPINO MENTAL HEALTH CULTURE PAPER 5 various parts of written laws such as Penal Code, Magna Carta for Disabled Person, Family Code, and the Dangerous Drug Act. The country spends about 5% of the total health budget on mental health and substantial portions of it are spent on the operation and maintenance of mental hospitals. The new social insurance scheme covers mental disorders but is limited to acute inpatient care.Psychotropic medications are available in the mental health facilities (World Health Organization 2006). There are fifteen community residential (custodial home-care) facilities that treat 1. 09 users per 100,000 general populations. Mental hospitals treat approximately 9 patients per 100,000 general populations and the occupancy rate is 92%. The majority of patients admitted have a diagnosis of schizophrenia. All forensic beds (400) are at the national Center for mental health.Involuntary admissions and the use of restraints or seclusion are common (World Health Organization 2006). Guidelines For Treatment A culturally sensitive approach is recommended when considering treatment of Filipinos and Filipino Americans. These guidelines include: pay attention to immigration history and regional orientation, determine the underlying reason for treatment, ensure adequate understanding of the diagnosis and treatment plan, bearing in mind that social inhibitions and nonverbal cues can mislead the practioner, use visual cues and communicate in a ollaborative manner, facilitate dialogue, inquiring about physical as well as mental health complaints, utilize the family and identify the patient’s power hierarchy, allow the patient time to process any information given, respect personal space, note mannerisms without making assumptions about Running Head: FILIPINO MENTAL HEALT H CULTURE PAPER 6 their meaning, do not be misled by the presenting affect maintain judicious use of medications, and engage the patient by actively focusing on the individual’s symptoms (Sanchez & Gaw, 2007) ConclusionAccess to mental health facilities is uneven across the country, favoring those living in or near the National Capital Region. The national mental health policy was put into operation relatively recently. Community care for patients is present, but is limited. The poor involvement of primary health care services in mental health is also a feature shared with many low and lower middle resource countries. Psychiatrists should not hesitate to assume a medical role.Increased priority to resources and a strategically coordinated network of social services that recognizes specific sociopolitical, economic, and cultural needs have to be in place when delivering mental health services to Filipinos and Filipino Americans. It is ideal to have such services within existin g medical institutions and staffed by culturally sensitive medical, psychiatric, and social service personnel. Psychiatrists need to embrace culture as a powerful factor in understanding the Filipino-American experience.A culturally sensitive and imaginative approach to the individual should be undertaken. Running Head: FILIPINO MENTAL HEALTH CULTURE PAPER 7 References Baello, J. , & Mori, L. (2007). Asian values, adherence and psychological help-seeking attitudes of filipino-americans. Journal of Multicultural, Gender and Minority Studies, 1(1), Retrieved from http://www. scientificjournals. org/journals2007/articles/1261. pdf (Baello & Mori, 2007) Conde, B. (2004). Philippines mental health country profile.International Review of Psychiatry, 16(1-2), 159-166. Retrieved from http://www. hawaii. edu/hivandaids/Philippines_Mental_Health_Country_Profile. pdf Leininger, M. , & McFarland, M. (2006). Cultural care diversity & universality: A worldwide nursing theory (2nd ed. ). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett (Leininger & McFarland 2006) Sanchez, F. , & Gaw, A. (2007). Mental health care of filipino americans. Psychiatric Services, 58(6), doi: 10. 1176/appi. ps. 58. 6. 810 United States Census Bureau. (2002). The Asian Population: 2000.Retrieved from website: http://www. census. gov/prod/2002pubs/c2kbr01-16. pdf Varcarolis, E. M. , & Halter, M. J. (2010). Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing, a clinical approach. (6 ed. ). St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders: Elsevier (Varcarolis & Halter, 2010) Department of Health, Manila, The Philippines, Department of Health, Manila, The Philippine. (2006). Who-aims report on mental health system in the philippines. Retrieved from Wold Health Organization website: http://www. who. int/mental_health/evidence/philippines_who_aims_report. pdf

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Using Examples Compare and Contrast the Characteristics

Using examples compare and contrast the characteristics of both managers and leaders. Introduction: Leadership and management are two bipolar systems of worker administration in current business environment as defined by Kumle and Kelly (2000, 8). It is a topic most debated upon due to the similar characteristic of the roles they play in an organization which often intertwine. Leaders and managers are however disparate in their nature of act. As applied in a team-based organizational structure, the argument is that managers and leaders differs in the perceived entailment of authority they posses as viewed by their employees.However, they compliment one another and can be cultivated in order to be effectual. In this essay we will discuss how the traits of managers and leaders contrast one another by comparison. We will then analyze and evaluate how these differences can offset the other leading to the conclusion that both positions are highly congruent in order to achieve an effective situational leadership approach in an organization, eliminating the â€Å"false dichotomy† between the two (Adair 2005, 31).It is vitally important for leaders to posses not only leadership quality but also substantiated managerial skills, and vice versa, especially in today’s cutthroat business environment. Leaders and managers are often confused due to the stark similarity of authoritative position they entails but are different in their defining factors. They are the same because of their essential role of being the person in the lead of the employees and being their source of command.However they are different in the effect they play in an organization as well as the perspective they emanates to the employees as well as the world. Leadership is the aptitude to guide and direct the embodying team towards an end goal while management is the astute means of completing the targets (Kumle and Kelly 2000, 9). As the famous saying by Warren Bennis (1989), â€Å"managers do things right while leaders do the right thing†. It is essential to realize the difference because some managers might not possess certain leadership qualities, as it is that leaders might not necessarily be an ffective manager. Managers are more structural in nature through perseverance, consistency and knowledge while leaders on the adverse lean more towards an artistic and innovative mindset (Zaleznik 1992, 127). The difference lies in the nature of act. Managers often referred to the position of authority while leaders refer to an inspirational and far-sightedness innate trait of a person. The style of corporate management distinguishes leaders from managers. Being a leader refers to the possession of innate characteristics and trait models of visionaries.They are the source of inspiration as they posses illuminating qualities and attributes which would be the driving force leading the company towards success. Personality traits such as charisma, gusto, honesty, assuran ce and the ability to foster genuine connection with people (Adair 2005, 29-30) is the fundamental composition that will bring together the entire workforce to advance towards success. A manager on the other hand is the behavioral model that these leaders ought to undertake in order to be effective in committing their roles.One might be an effective manager but they may not be the epitome of a leader that will push an advance the organization beyond their limit. For example, Apple Corporation have had fair management control but they only attained its high innovative achiever status due to Steve Job’s charismatic and ground-breaking input that transformed the company (Shontell 2011). Thus, this highlights the empirical quality that is characteristically of leaders and not necessarily of managers.Therefore, the style and characteristics of managers and leaders differentiate them in terms of extend of success they produce. The nature of relationship with employee is an evident difference between leaders and managers. Leaders guide with the instinct of gaining â€Å"followers† while managers have â€Å"subordinates† (Storms 2011). Leaders do not abide the conventional mode of commanding control instead act on the ground of emancipating inspiration (King 2010) and ensuring the wellbeing and progress of the team as whole.This is because leaders are â€Å"more emotional† (Leadership Pages 1997) and are concern of the human aspect of their company. For example Phil Knight of Nike emphasizes highly on allowing mistakes and keeping a positive environment in spite of times of turmoil (Jay 2001, 92) and this train an effective pool of workers which is a result of Knight’s leadership quality of emanating inspiration and garnering trust of employees and genuine loyalty. Managers on the other hand act on a stern basis of control system.This hierarchical positioning in turn ingests a pseudo psychological disdain of workers to managers as th ey feel they are being treated with contempt as subsidiaries (Katcher and Snyder 2007, 52). This will in turn limit the willingness for employees to put in the extra effort and they will thus not produce exemplary results due to the lack of loyalty and dedication. Richard Brandson (2011) instills the importance of leaders being supportive of their employees that led the success of Virgin Company.The structural construction of the role played by managers instills this notion of quality difference of employee control in the effectiveness of managers compared to leaders. Comparing in this light, leadership must be incorporated in managerial control because to attain corporate success, it is highly essential to sustain the passion, assurance and ambition of stakeholders especially the workers as Narayana Murthy (2011), Chairman Emeritus of Infosys, suggests. Each individual have their own defining qualities and the personalities describing them might be an advantage for one in certain i ndustries.When these traits are combined with the managerial position, the personality traits would suit the respect the manager receive when they have high aspect of certain traits such as the Big Five Personality Traits (Waddell, Jones and George 2011, 133). It is important for managers, being in their position, to possess certain unique individuality to propel their quality and attractiveness as a leader especially in the magnificently transformed prospect of the current business environment.Personality type is the factor that separates leaders and managers as all personals can become good managers, but good leaders are ones who are privileged with the narcissistic personality whom people look up to due to their gripping attitude and incredible ideas that galvanize others (Maccoby 2000, 72-73). Therefore, it clearly prove that in a real world situational analyses the characteristics of both managers and leaders may differ, but they are needed to corroborate one another in order t o advocate and augment an effective form of leadership and management in an organization.The inherent individual traits of a manager determine the quality of a leader it makes. At the same time, inborn leaders without the technical qualification of a manager could not execute as an effective leader. The effectiveness of an organization is highly reliant on the synergy of leadership and management quality and this create an empowerment that will transcend the organization well beyond the competitors. Leadership quality of supplying the vision of an end goal when combined with the resourceful conscientiousness of managers would create a highly effective company that has high visualization.At the same time the common exchange of respect and inspiration they give as a leader would ingest the essence of teamwork that will propel the organization further forward as every member of the organization shares the common dedication and passion to attain their ultimate goals. This loyalty from e very contributing body can only be attained when their leader has the charisma and ability to unite the organization, at the same time possess a conscientious managerial role that would instill trust in the employees that their leader would bring success.Hence the synergy of inborn leadership traits and hardware managerial skills is the highly regarded form of leadership style that is highly respectable by the companies’ employees as well as other stakeholders and eventually become the driving force that will push the organization forward especially in the new age of business environment and ethics that is increasingly demanding and critical, as well as the democratic progress that inspire people to be more conspicuous of exercising their rights. Reference List Adair, John. 2005. How to Grow Leaders. London and Sterling, VA: Kogan Page Limited.Bennis, Warren. 1989. On Becoming A Leader. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Brandson, Richard. 2011. Richard Brandson: Ad vice for Entrepreneurs. YouTube videos, 0:04. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=VH35Iz9veM0&feature=fvwrel Leadership Pages: The Difference Between Management And Leadership. 1997. ME96 Leadership Page. http://www. ee. ed. ac. uk/~gerard/MENG/ME96/Documents/Intro/leader. html Jay, Ros. 2001. Winning Minds. Oxford, United Kingdom: Capstone Publishing Limited. Katcher, Bruce L. and Adam Snyder. 2007. 30 Reasons Employees Hate Their Managers.United State of America: American Management Association King, William. 2010. â€Å"Distinguishing between Manager and a Leader, Are they Really Different? † Team Building Articles, August 2. http://www. 212articles. com/distinguishing-between-manager-and-a-leader-are-they-really-different/ Kumle, John and Nancy J. Kelly. 2000. â€Å"Leadership vs. Management. †Ã‚  SuperVision,  61(4), 8-10. http://search. proquest. com/docview/195590555? accountid=10382 Maccoby, Michael. 2000. â€Å"Narcissistic Leaders: The Incredible Pros, The I nevitable Cons. † Harvard Business Review, January – February Issue. http://edocs. ibrary. curtin. edu. au/eres_display. cgi? url= dc60009629. pdf©right=1 Murthy, Narayana. 2011. Narayana Murthy on Values & Leadership. YouTube videos, 3:26. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=QBaCRu7by10&feature=related Senior, Carl, Robin Martin, Michael West and Rowena M. Yeats. 2011. â€Å"How Earlobes Can Signify Leadership Potential†. Harvard Business Review, November Issue. Shontell, Alyson. 2011. â€Å"The Legacy Of Steve Jobs: How He Took Apple From Near Bankruptcy To Billions In 14 Years And Changed The World. † Business Insider, October 6. http://www. businessinsider. om/the-legacy-of-steve-jobs-how-he-took-apple-from-near-bankruptcy-to-billions-in-13-years-and-changed-the-world-2011-10 Storms, Cherie. 2011, April 10. â€Å"Managers have subordinates, Leaders have followers. † Cherie Storms – Saving the world one day at a time. http://cheriestorms . wordpress. com/2011/04/10/managers-have-subordinates-leaders-have-followers/ Waddell, Dianne, Gareth R. Jones, Jennifer M. George. 2011. Contemporary Management. 2nd ed. Australia: McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. Zaleznik, Abraham. 1992. â€Å"Managers and leaders: are they different? † Harvard Business Review, March – April Issue.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The History of Automobile

1. The history of automobile The first working steam-powered vehicle was probably designed by Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in China around 1672. It was a 65 cm-long scale-model toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger. It is not known if Verbiest's model was ever built. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is widely credited with building the first self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769; he created a steam-powered tricycle. He also constructed two steam tractors for the French Army, one of which is preserved in the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. His inventions were however handicapped by problems with water supply and maintaining steam pressure. In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. It was unable to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods, and was of little practical use. In 1807 Nice phore Nie and his brother Claude probably created the world's pce first internal combustion engine which they called a Pyre olophore, but they chose to install it in a boat on the river Saone in France. Coincidentally, in 1807 the Swiss inventor Franc Isaac de Rivaz designed his own ‘de Rivaz internal combustion ois engine' and used it to develop the world's first vehicle, to be powered by such an engine. The Nie pces' Pyre olophore was fuelled by a mixture of Lycopodium powder (dried Lycopodium moss), finely crushed coal dust and resin that were mixed with oil, whereas de Rivaz used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Neither design was very successful, as was the case with others, such as Samuel Brown, Samuel Morey, and Etienne Lenoir with his hippomobile, who each produced vehicles (usually adapted carriages or carts) powered by clumsy internal combustion engines. In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouve demonstrated a working three-wheeled automobile powered by electricity at the International Exposition of Electricity, Paris. Although several other German engineers (including Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, and Siegfried Marcus) were working on the problem at about the same time, Karl Benz generally is acknowledged as the inventor of the modern automobile. An automobile powered by his own four-stroke cycle gasoline engine was built in Mannheim, Germany by Karl Benz in 1885, and granted a patent in January of the following year under the auspices of his major company, Benz & Cie. , which was founded in 1883. It was an integral design, without the adaptation of other existing components, and included several new technological elements to create a new concept. He began to sell his production vehicles in 1888. In 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had been designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made the use of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle. His first Motorwagen was built in 1885, and he was awarded the patent for its invention as of his application on January 29, 1886. Benz began promotion of the vehicle on July 3, 1886, and about 25 Benz vehicles were sold between 1888 and 1893, when his first four-wheeler was introduced along with a model intended for affordability. They also were powered with four-stroke engines of his own design. Emile Roger of France, already producing Benz engines under license, now added the Benz automobile to his line of products. Because France was more open to the early automobiles, initially more were built and sold in France through Roger than Benz sold in Germany. Bertha Benz, the first long distance automobile driver in the world In August 1888 Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz, undertook the first road trip by car, to prove the road-worthiness of her husband's invention. In 1896, Benz designed and patented the first internal-combustion flat engine, called boxermotor. During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz was the largest automobile company in the world with 572 units produced in 1899 and, because of its size, Benz & Cie. , became a joint-stock company. Daimler and Maybach founded Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG) in Cannstatt in 1890, and sold their first automobile in 1892 under the brand name, Daimler. It was a horse-drawn stagecoach built by another manufacturer, that they retrofitted with an engine of their design. By 1895 about 30 vehicles had been built by Daimler and Maybach, either at the Daimler works or in the Hotel Hermann, where they set up shop after disputes with their backers. Benz, Maybach and the Daimler team seem to have been unaware of each others' early work. They never worked together; by the time of the merger of the two companies, Daimler and Maybach were no longer part of DMG. Daimler died in 1900 and later that year, Maybach designed an engine named Daimler-Mercedes, that was placed in a specially ordered model built to specifications set by Emil Jellinek. This was a production of a small number of vehicles for Jellinek to race and market in his country. Two years later, in 1902, a new model DMG automobile was produced and the model was named Mercedes after the Maybach engine which generated 35 hp. Maybach quit DMG shortly thereafter and opened a business of his own. Rights to the Daimler brand name were sold to other manufacturers. Karl Benz proposed co-operation between DMG and Benz & Cie. when economic conditions began to deteriorate in Germany following the First World War, but the directors of DMG refused to consider it initially. Negotiations between the two companies resumed several years later when these conditions worsened and, in 1924 they signed an Agreement of Mutual Interest, valid until the year 2000. Both enterprises standardized design, production, purchasing, and sales and they advertised or marketed their automobile models jointly, although keeping their respective brands. On June 28, 1926, Benz & Cie. and DMG finally merged as the Daimler-Benz company, baptizing all of its automobiles Mercedes Benz, as a brand honoring the most important model of the DMG automobiles, the Maybach design later referred to as the 1902 Mercedes-35 hp, along with the Benz name. Karl Benz remained a member of the board of directors of Daimler-Benz until his death in 1929, and at imes, his two sons participated in the management of the company as well. In 1890, Emile Levassor and Armand Peugeot of France began producing vehicles with Daimler engines, and so laid the foundation of the automobile industry in France. The first design for an American automobile with a gasoline internal combustion engine was made in 1877 by George Selden of Rochester, New York. Selden applied for a patent for an automobi le in 1879, but the patent application expired because the vehicle was never built. After a delay of sixteen years and a series of attachments to his application, on November 5, 1895, Selden was granted a United States patent (U. S. Patent 549,160) for a two-stroke automobile engine, which hindered, more than encouraged, development of automobiles in the United States. His patent was challenged by Henry Ford and others, and overturned in 1911. In 1893, the first running, gasoline-powered American car was built and road-tested by the Duryea brothers of Springfield, Massachusetts. The first public run of the Duryea Motor Wagon took place on September 21, 1893, on Taylor Street in Metro Center Springfield. To construct the Duryea Motor Wagon, the brothers had purchased a used horse-drawn buggy for $70 and then installed a 4 HP, single cylinder gasoline engine. The car had a friction transmission, spray carburetor, and low tension ignition. It was road-tested again on November 10, when the The Springfield Republican newspaper made the announcement. This particular car was put into storage in 1894 and stayed there until 1920 when it was rescued by Inglis M. Uppercu and presented to the United States National Museum. 2. Direction of automobile industry 2. Fuel technology As we all know, the earth's resources are limited, so human beings develop fuel technology, let us make better use of these resources. There are many resources we can use, like Air engine, Battery-electric, Solar, Bioalcohol, Hydrogen and Hybrid vehicle. A hybrid vehicle uses multiple propulsion systems to provide motive power. The most common type of hybrid vehicle is the gasoli ne-electric hybrid vehicles, which use gasoline (petrol) and electric batteries for the energy used to power internal-combustion engines (ICEs) and electric motors. These motors are usually relatively small and would be considered â€Å"underpowered† by themselves, but they can provide a normal driving experience when used in combination during acceleration and other maneuvers that require greater power. The Toyota Prius first went on sale in Japan in 1997 and it is sold worldwide since 2000. By 2010 the Prius is sold in more than 70 countries and regions, with Japan and the United States as its largest markets. In May 2008, global cumulative Prius sales reached the 1 million units, and by September 2010, the Prius reached worldwide cumulative sales of 2 million units. The United States is the largest hybrid market in the world, with more than 2 million hybrid automobiles and SUVs sold through May 2011. The Prius is the top selling hybrid car in the U. S. with 1 million units sold by April 2011. The Honda Insight is a two-seater hatchback hybrid automobile manufactured by Honda. It was the first mass-produced hybrid automobile sold in the United States, introduced in 1999, and produced until 2006. Honda introduced the second-generation Insight in Japan in February 2009, and the new Insight went on sale in the U. S. on April 22, 2009. Honda also offers the Honda Civic Hybrid since 2002. Among others, the following are popular gasoline-electric hybrid models available in the market by 2009: Ford Escape Hybrid, Chevrolet Silverado/GMC Sierra Hybrid, Lexus RX 400h, Toyota Highlander Hybrid, Mercury Mariner Hybrid, Toyota Camry Hybrid, Saturn Vue Green Line, Lexus LS600hL, Mazda Tribute Hybrid, Nissan Altima Hybrid, Ford Fusion/Mercury Milan Hybrid, and Mercedes S400 BlueHybrid. Several major carmakers are currently developing plug-in hybrid electric ehicles (PHEVs). Chinese battery manufacturer and automaker BYD Auto released the F3DM PHEV-68 (PHEV109km) hatchback to the Chinese fleet market on December 15, 2008. The 2011 Chevrolet Volt is the first mass produced PHEV launched in the United States, and it was introduced in November 2010. Other PHEVs undergoing field testing as of December 2010 include the Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid, Ford Escape Plug-in Hybrid, Volvo V70 Plug-in Hybrid, and S uzuki Swift Plug-in. The Sinclair C5 pedal-assisted battery vehicle. The Elantra LPI Hybrid, launched in the South Korean domestic market in July 2009, is a hybrid vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine built to run on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as a fuel. The Elantra PLI is a mild hybrid and the first hybrid to adopt advanced lithium polymer (Li–Poly) batteries. 2. 2 Driverless car A driverless car is a vehicle equipped with an autopilot system that is capable of driving from one point to another without guidance by a human operator. This is intended to produce several direct advantages: 1. Avoiding crashes by eliminating driver error 2. Increasing roadway capacity by reducing the distances between cars and better managing traffic flow 3. Relieving vehicle occupants from driving and navigating chores, so allowing them to concentrate on other tasks or to rest during their journeys Indirect advantages are anticipated as well. Adoption of driverless cars could reduce the number of vehicles worldwide and eliminate the need for driver's licenses, rules of the road, traffic lights, traffic signs, highway patrols and vehicle insurances. The systems currently under development work by simulating human perception and decision-making during steering of a car via advanced computer software linked to a range of sensors such as cameras, radar and GPS. Current driverless passenger car programs include the 2 get there passenger vehicles from the Netherlands, the DARPA Grand Challenge from the USA, and Google driverless car.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Lives of the Artists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lives of the Artists - Essay Example Specifically, I will discuss what distinguished Brunelleschi’s work from that of his predecessors. Before he expounds on the biography of Brunelleschi, Vasari provides his own evaluation of the great architect’s work. Vasari says that Brunelleschi had a truly lofty genius and credits him with building the most beautiful, the tallest and the most remarkable structure among those that have ever been built either in his time or in the times of antiquity. His role as a father of the Renaissance style of architecture is explained in the following way: â€Å"he gave a new form to architecture which had been going astray for hundreds of years† (Vasari 110). In Vasari’s opinion, before Brunelleschi, men had spent fortunes in vain attempting to construct desirable buildings. Their efforts resulted in having buildings devoid of any sense of order since they were constructed using bad methods. Those buildings lacked grace in a shameful way and displayed poor design and â€Å"the worst kind of decoration† along with weird inventions. Brunelleschi managed to create new forms on the basis of Classical Roman architecture which he combined with the achievements of Tuscan and late Gothic architecture. Unlike his predecessors, Brunelleschi introduced the concept of order to the art of construction. In his view, based on multiyear observations of the remains of Roman architecture, proportion was the ground for beautiful constructions. It allowed constructing buildings with clear space and mass, which were easily comprehended, contrary to the complexity of the Gothic form. Building symmetrical and proportional buildings became possible due to the introduction of the linear perspective by Brunelleschi. These geometrical calculations helped to erect buildings that followed mathematical order. The method of perspective, according to Vasari, was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Intenational Trade Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Intenational Trade Policy - Essay Example Trade is the driving force for the economic development of theses countries. Countries connected by common currencies, policies and institutions could converge their incomes to the richer countries by improving the trade between the countries. Faster economic growth is largely depended on trade openness. Many countries adopted the trade liberalization policy and joined in the world trade for achieving the economic growth all most all the countries have achieved their goals of through liberalized trade policy. World bank studies show that during 1946 and 1986 strong and sustained liberalization led to the rapid growth of exports, which further led to economic growth (Jagdish N. Bhagwati, 1978, Annatomy and Consequences of Exchage control Regimes) 1. 1994 study reveals that poorest countries also grew and develop between 1960 and 1986 due to openness of the trade, which led to higher productivity (Alberto F. Ades and Edward L. Glaeser, 1999, evidence on Growth, Increasing Returns, and Extent of the Market) 2 When we study the history of economic development we witness that trade is a driving force for economic growth in developed and under developing countries. Since World War II the expansion of trade has played a dynamic role in global economic growth. Till 1994 before the World Trade Organization came into existence multilateral trade was limited to industrial countries. From 1994 the multilateral trade has expanded, to many countries of developed and underdeveloped including the countries of agricultural base due to liberalization. As a result of multinational liberalization all countries are benefited in their economic growth by unveiling their unexploited potentials. Since early 1970s world economy is in the midst of strongest period of sustained global growth duly maintaining the inflation at low levels, same trend is continued into 2007. We witness an unexpected and robust growth in India and China including other developing countries. Strong performance is also witnessed in low-income countries, such as sub-Saharan Africa (Rodrigo de Rato, Managing Director, IMF, Sustaining Global Growth, March 30, 2007)1 The main cause of this prodigious performance is attributed to solid growth in productivity, which led to growth in profits and real wages and also absorbing the sharp increase in prices to maintain the inflation at low levels. This global economic growth is made possible not merely on solid growth in productivity but rapid growth in international trade especially the developed and underdeveloped countries joining the global market. Entry of India, China and Eastern Bloc of Europe in the multilateral trade has made a substantial contribution to global economic growth. Besides other factors such as introduction of new technologies in manufacturing and service activities, increasing international mobility of capital, large-scale movements of underemployed labor out of agriculture into manufacturing and service in many developing counties and migration flow of poor counties towards the advanced economies, global integration of trade and financial market has produced tremendous benefits and trade is the driving force for this global economic growth (Rodrigo de Rato, Managing Director, IMF, Sustaining Global Growth, March 30, 2007)1 If we examine the development of economic growth of individual member countries

The Importance of Nursing Research in Clinical Practice Essay

The Importance of Nursing Research in Clinical Practice - Essay Example The importance of research in clinical practice is that it provides analysis used to guide nursing profession. Clinical nursing research is based on the problems arising from the practice. Nursing research is conducted on patients facing real problems and the analysis gives chances of solving the problems through the upgrading of nursing care. There are two types of research that is basic and applied research. The basic research is undertaken to enlarge the foundation of understanding in the profession, produce or improve a theory. On the other hand, the applied research seeks to find solutions to existing problems. The research develops and supports clinical practice through recognition, exploration, prediction, explanation, description, and control of problems in the nursing practice (Polit & Beck 2004:18). The nurses in practice are expected to have immense knowledge and apply research and base their practice on evidence-based research. The evidence-based practice is the applicati on of the best evidence from research carried out by other health professionals and nurses to make patient care decisions. The nursing decisions based on evidence-based analysis are clinically suitable, cost-effective and results to positive patient outcomes (Polit & Beck 2014:3).A qualitative research is a wide word that covers various techniques and thoughts hence its complex nature. It is an approach that permits the study of people’s encounters in depth, by employing a particular set of research techniques.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Unit 4 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Unit 4 assignment - Essay Example 4. The criminal investigation department has ruled Medicare fraud as a form of crime. What are the views of the people concerning the criminalization of Medicare fraud? (a) Do people consider Medicare fraud as a criminal activity? (b) Do people blame the authority for their misfortunes? A hypothesis is statement that provides a tentative answer to the research problems according to the proposed research designs and methodology (Creswell, 2008). The following statements represent our hypothesis for the quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research methods respectively. 1. The choice of the hypothesis was based on the role of government in providing basic healthcare to the citizens. The hypothesis provides a tentative answer to research questions that are related to the role of the medical authority in ensuring equitable healthcare services. In addition, the hypothesis provides a direct comparison between the two main research variables. 2. The qualitative research approach provides answers to research questions that cannot be answered through a quantitative approach. The choice of the research question and hypothesis was based on their ability to respond to questions that are related to the society. Although it is impossible to determine the extent to which different institutions contribute to healthcare fraud, it is necessary to determine reasons that contribute to Medicare fraud through the qualitative approach. 3. In the mixed method approach, a researcher will be concerned with the relationship between quantitative and qualitative research outcomes (Creswell, 2008). Thus, the research questions and hypothesis designated for the mixed methods section provide tentative relationship between different research variables and the respective social

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Geography - Essay Example This created tension among Muslims who felt disenfranchised by having to speak a different—â€Å"non-Muslim†Ã¢â‚¬â€language. Hindus are found primarily in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. Pakistan and the Maldives are home to mostly Muslims, even though a large population also reside in Bangladesh. Buddhists populations are found in Sri Lanka and Bhutan. But they also represent minorities in Nepal and India. The original native languages were impacted by Aryan invaders two centuries B.C. and continued with the British invasion. That influence exists today in the differentiation between the ‘t† and â€Å"d† in Indian English. Since the separation of the region into territories in 1947, South Asia has accepted outside assistance with political and security issues but culturally they interpret this as support of local (ethnic) issues, rather than on a larger scale. But, at the heart is the issue of disrespect of native language and its associated religion and ethnicity. Regardless of the country or the language, the deep and ancient connection between religion and language results in racism and petty local haggling based on tribal custom and values. From the time of the arrival of the first European, the Aboriginal Australians began losing their identity. They were so very much a part of the land, being able to survive without currency, without a written constitution or religion, they were able to live easily in a harsh land. Without the protections provided by law and religion, it was easy for new arrivals to take their land from them and to exploit them as sheepherders and trackers. Some of their practices, such as polygamy, were offensive to new arrivals who took away their rights, and even their children. Many of these new arrivals were criminals cast out from England, and other countries who had no qualms about mistreating the black Aborigine. Until 1967, Aborigines had no citizenship

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sports injury. Lumbosacral disorder acquired during military training Essay

Sports injury. Lumbosacral disorder acquired during military training in 1998 and now preventing participation in sports - Essay Example One common type is stress fracture. This may occur in as much a twenty percent of military trainees (Jansson, et.al., 2004) This type of fracture may leave a scar which can still be evident in the future. The next paragraphs will be a narration of the author’s personal experience regarding a lumbosaccral injury incurred nine years ago during military training. This is a hindrance to the author’s willingness to participate in sports at present. The pain is worse when I tried to lean back while standing and gets a little better when stooping or during recumbency. At first. I did not mind the pain. I thought that I just got tired like the previous days of training. During the night, however, I did not feel comfortable. The pain was bothering me and I could not last fifteen minutes in one position. It was as if something heavy was on my back. Initially, I would grade the pain as 3/10 in the pain scale. However, during the night, the pain progressed to 6/10. I then took Mefenamic Acid, 500 mg capsule to relieve the pain. The medicine was able to relieve the pain for a while. However, the relief only lasted for an hour. It came back after an hour. When the pain came back, it ws 8/10 on the pain scale. Although I just took the Mefenamic Acid an hour before, I decided to take another capsule of Mefenamic Acid, 500 mg. The pain was again relieved. At that time, the pain became 5/10 on the pain scale. I then decided to seek consult from the physician in our infirmary. Note: To aid in the quantifications of my pain, the Visual Analogue Scale or the Pain Scale was used. This is based on a visual chart developed by Wewers (1990). Below is a copy of the Visual Analogue Scale. A V.A.S. card was printed by on a piece of cardboard in the infirmary. I have included the VAS score of the pain I felt during that time. I did not feel tingling

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Underlying Causes of Power Struggle in Marriage as Gleaned from Literature Essay Example for Free

Underlying Causes of Power Struggle in Marriage as Gleaned from Literature Essay In   the movie, Sylvia, talented poet and writer Sylvia Plath drives her husband intot he arms of another woman.   Fed up with her recurring bouts of jealousy and insecurity, and the ensuing rounds of arguments and quarrels, he breaks free to preserve his sanity.   Her world crumbles and she eventually commits suicide.   A closer look points to indubitable flaws not just from the female but from the male, moreso from society around which their world revolves.   The life story of the legendary Sylvia Plath, highlighted by her tumultuous relationship   with husband and fellow poet Ted Hughes, provides a clear-cut illustration of marital power struggle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Elisabeth Bronfen , a specialist in 19th and 20th century literature and a professor of English and American Studies, noted that the culprit in the tragic conflict between Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes was her â€Å"unbroken dependence on her perfect mate (which) lets her fall prey to jealousy, envy, anger, humiliation and burning loneliness when her trust in him is called into question†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bronfen 46). Indeed, nothing perhaps can agitate or vex a man more than a woman’s constant nagging, mistrust, and fault-finding, especially when has not done anything yet to deserve it.   To aggravate the situation, and as portrayed in Henrik Ibsen’s â€Å"A Doll’s House†, society dictates that a man must be the dominant individual in a marriage.   The uneasiness of most men that arises when this is not followed is often what leads to fights (blatant outward sign of the power struggle) and worse, the eventual collapse of the partnership and, in Sylvia’s case, the worst tragic consequence – death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The power struggle between husband and wife, or other similar pair of individuals in a relationship has, since time immemorial, existed not just in movies and books but in real-life settings.   A power struggle in marriage emerges somewhat like `art imitating life’ and vice versa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the part of female partners, one must consider that there are other factors that account for the tangled web of emotions and personalities that women assume and drive them to engage in a â€Å"power struggle† with their mates.   Women have been portrayed countless times in literature as being compassionate or easily taken advantage of, but able to put up (or attempt to) put up a fight when pushed too far.    In some instances, belonging to a clique has also been depicted in classic literature as a threat to a couple’s union.   When constant interaction from the male or female’s side breeds contempt, jealousy and rivalry, it tends to destroy a couple’s relationship, as illustrated in Jane Austen’s sequel to Pride and Prejudice, â€Å"Mr. Darcy Presents his Bride written by Helen Halstead. In the latter’s book, Elizabeth Bennet’s prestigious clique posed a threat to her new marriage to Fitzwilliam Darcy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Society undoubtedly plays a major part in heightening the power struggle between man and woman in a marital bind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antoinette Stafford in â€Å"The Feminist Critique of Hegel on Women and the Family† cited 18th century thinker Mary Wollstonecraft’s argument, â€Å"If women are in fact often frivolous, swayed by emotion and lacking in `the manly virtues of moral courage and disinterestedness, then this is not their natural character.   Rather, it arises solely because of educational practices and social expectations which prevent them from perfecting their latent rational capacities.† In The Internet Encyclopedia   of Philosophy, James J. Delaney referred to   Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s treatise on education pertaining to â€Å"Women, Marriage, and Family†: â€Å"Hers is not as focused on theoretical matters, as men’s minds are more suited to that type of thinking. Rousseau’s view on the nature of the relationship between men and women is rooted in the notion that men are stronger and therefore more independent. They depend on women only because they desire them. By contrast, women both need and desire men. Sophie is educated in such a way that she will fill what Rousseau takes to be her natural role as a wife. She is to be submissive to Emile.† Reacting to J.J. Rosseau’s abovementioned treatise, which also envisions an education for the boy that will foster an independent mind and spirit, autonomy and self-sufficiency, while his female counterpart is to be educated to please the male companion-to-be and in the process fulfill her womanly potential, Wollstonecraft argued that â€Å"..a separate standard of excellence for woman undermines the universality of rational freedom.† This rational   freedom is at the core of   the existentialist theory that is also among the larger causes of the power struggle occurring in a marriage.   As Simone de Beauvoir expressed, â€Å"It is the individual who bears responsibility for the world†¦ It is the individual’s responsibility to create meaning through her choices† (Andrew 26). Existentialism, in essence, pertains to â€Å"ideas of choice, meaning and the limits of existence.†Ã‚   It is up to each individual to use his freedom to choose his actions and interactions in the world (Andrew 25), even if it is bound to instigate a power struggle at some point in a relationship.   If someone opts to subjugate or be subjugated, often it arises from that person’s free will. In â€Å"The Feminist Critique of Hegel on Women and the Family,† Stafford cited how Simone de Beauvoir and subsequent thinkers set forth: â€Å"Lives circumscribed by domesticity and child-rearing are not fully human and women who accept the socially constructed belief in a pre-given female nature, and hence in a determinate female destiny, are accomplices in their own enslavement.   The only means beyond this self-imposed oppression is actively to seek a reversal of roles, accepting and identifying oneself with the male model of transcendence†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In many parts of Asia and elsewhere in the world, one will see such reversal of roles widely practiced, both in literary pages and in real life.   The â€Å"Good Woman of Setzuan† by Bertolt Brecht encapsulates such reversal of roles.   The heroine, Shen Te, strives hard to love a good life in brutal pre-Communist China. She disguises herself as a man and finds her compassionate persona transformed into a violent, unconquerable character which allows her to cope better with the world around her.   Indeed, assuming the male’s `strong, stern and aggressive’ characteristics often works in the male-dominated society.   When women rise to the challenge of being co-equals with their mates over and on top of their preordained role as nurturer of family values, in some cases overshadowing their male counterparts, the power struggle is ignited. Many great works of literature have shown how women either succumbed or fought their way out of enslavement by the male species.   Henrik Ibsen’s â€Å"A Doll’s House† is a much studied work that gives light to how a woman achieves self-liberation by leaving the confines of the home. The online study guide by   SparkNotes: A Doll’s House, Themes, Motifs Symbols draw attention to how the instability of appearances within the main character’s household at the play’s end results from the main male character’s obsession with status and image. Most men’s preoccupation with status and image, including having a ‘trophy wife† by their side, may be commonplace, but feminists have not let this vision of male superiority go by without much lamentation.  Ã‚   Emily Friedman, in an article posted in ABCNews.com on   July 13, 2007, departed from stereotypes and provided a positive connotation to the phrase, `trophy wife’ when she quoted author Anne Kingston (who wrote â€Å"The Meaning of Wife†): The idea of the trophy wife has progressed so that men want a woman who has some social equality, and its not a dominant-submissive relationship†¦ Increasingly, its not simply the decoration that a truly accomplished man wants, but an equal. Nonetheless, the Hegelian belief that `nature has assigned woman to the family’ may still be embraced by certain societies in the contemporary era, but the woman we find now has certainly metamorphosed to am multi-tasking and active participant in community affairs and national life.   What well-meaning quarters caution, though, is the possibility that society’s basic institution – the family – may tend to be overlooked when both husband and wife assume a place in civil society and doggedly pursue their careers and personal aspirations.   Herein lies another major issue of debate between husband and wife, especially when they fail to compromise. â€Å"The Feminist Critique on Women and Family† by Stafford also noted how women vary in their perception of what is `oppressive† and what is not.   While serving as housewife may be denigrating and limiting (in terms of personal freedom) for some, â€Å"it may be regarded as a chosen instrument for creative self-expression† in others. Infidelity , whether imagined or actual, and argued by most as being part of the inherent nature of men, is another major source of friction between husband and wife.   Whether infidelity, though, arises from protracted oppression from, or a form of assertion by, the husband, or the wife herself, is open to debate.   During the Elizabethan Age, a wife’s fidelity was regarded more as an obligation foisted by society and circumstances.   In The Literary Encyclopedia, classical literary critic and lecturer Ros King noted how William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew â€Å"reasserts male dominance†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another online site, Academic Forum, Sherri Thorne’s article, â€Å"Shakespeare: Advocate for Women in The Taming of the Shrew† noted how it was Shakespeare’s intention to show that family and society have contributed to the circumstances that make the female character, Katherina, the shrew she is. Her male counterpart in the story, Petruchio, recognizes that Katherina’s shrewish behavior is a societal response. â€Å"Shakespeare uses Petruchio to present his definition of the proper relationship between a husband and his wife†¦ At their first meeting, Petruchio and Katherina engage in an energetic and emotionally charged verbal exchange. Katherina strikes Petruchio when her verbal attacks are ineffective. Generally, Katherina’s words are effective artillery to keep her adversaries sufficiently subdued†¦ Petruchio gains control of the situation, keeping their sparring verbal rather than letting it escalate into physical violence† (Thorne 59) This exemplifies the genteel demeanor observed by most during the Elizabethan age. In the Comprehensive Online Educational Resource, Anne Parten noted the significance of   another   Shakespearean work, Merchant of Venice, citing the a ring as symbolism for man’s potential for fidelity, and the lead female character, Portia, is shown to have superiority over all the male characters. Whatever the underlying causes pointed out by perceptive literary minds as instigators of the power struggle occurring in marriages or relationships, men and women will continue to be at odds with each other on matters ranging from trivial and absurd to highly complex, simply because that is just how differently they are wired.   In the words of Robert Louis Stevenson, â€Å"Marriage is like life   in this – that it is a field of battle and not a bed of roses.† Works Cited Andrew, Barbara S. â€Å"Beavoir’s Place in Philosophical Thought.† The Cambridge Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Ed. Claudia Card. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 25-26. Bhatia, Praveen.   Macbeth. New Delhi: UBS Publishers’ Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2007. Brecht, Bertolt. Good Woman of Setzuan. England: Penguin Books Ltd., 2007. Bronfen, Elisabeth. â€Å"Trophy Wife: Just Hot or Smart Sexy?† Sylvia Plath. 2nd ed. UK: Athenaeum Press Ltd., 2004. Friedman, Emily. 13 July 2007. ABCNews.com. 28 January 2008 http//www.abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3372209page=1. Halstead, Helen. Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride. California: Ulysses Press, 2007. Ibsen, Henrik.   A Doll’s House and Other Plays. Penguin Group (USA) Inc.,  1973. King, Ros. â€Å"The Taming of the Shrew.† The Literary Encyclopedia. 2 November 2004. Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London. 28 January 2008 http//www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=trueUID=7887. Parton, Anne.   Comprehensive Online Educational Resource. eNotes.com, Inc. 28 January 2008.   http://www.enotes.com/merchant/portia. Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice. New York: Penguin Books Ltd., 1994. Shakespeare, William. Taming of the Shrew. New York: Penguin Books Ltd., 1995. Stafford, Antoinette. â€Å"The Feminist Critique of Hegel on Women and the Family.†Ã‚   25 January 2008 http//www. mun.ca/animus/1997vol2/staford1.htm. Thorne, Sherri. â€Å"Shakespeare: Advocate for Women in The Taming of the Shrew†Ã‚   2003-04.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Academic Forum. 28 Jan 2008

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Economics Of International Business Economics Essay

The Economics Of International Business Economics Essay Myanmar was formerly known as Burma located in Southeast Asia Country. The country has been under military rule for 49 years since 1962 to 2011. It situated between India, Thailand, and China. Even though country located its strategic location, but Myanmar still is the poorest countries in Asia because with almost a third of its population estimated to be living in poverty (U.S State Department, 2012). In 1989, the authorities Burmese officially changed the country name from Burma to Myanmar. But in 2010, the Myanmar country became the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. After Myanmar independence from Britain, the country became one of a member in many international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) (U.S State Department, 2012). As a leading multinational nutrition Nestlà © Company, before starting business in Myanmar, there are five elements should understanding their: a) Political Economy b) Economy Systems c) Legal System d) Culture e) Religion Political Economy Myanmar is a sovereign country and also is a specialist country which had different political compared to other country. Myanmar is a religious country because majority is Buddhism. However, the political system of Myanmar is different from other country. The political system of Myanmar can be dividing into three stages in the timeline from independence to the current. According to the timeline provided by BBC News Asia-Pacific (2012), Myanmar was independence at 1948 from Britain. During that time, the political of Myanmar is more toward to the democratic. Normally, they had general election on their country and the party who was wined in the general election will automatically practice the government and the leader will become the prime minister of the country. However, the practice of democratic political system did not last for a long time. According the timeline provided by BBC News Asia-Pacific (2012), the democratic political system only practice until 1962. During year 1962, Myanmar starts turn their political system from democratic to the military or totalitarianism. The first person who practices the military political system is Gen Ne Win and he abolishes the federal system and form the socialist or totalitarianism country. He had officially launched The Burmese Way to Socialism in 1962, which is meant the nationalizing the economy, that is, resources owned by government and only government have the power to govern the country in Myanmar. The socialism of the Myanmar had been continues for more than 48 years. During the socialism, Myanmar had become a sovereign and military country. The economy of the Myanmar is worst and only had limited range for economy to grow. The main reason of Myanmars economy became worst is Myanmar switched the political system from socialism to the right-wing totalitarianism. After the military take over the country, Myanmar is started slow down their economy even turn the economy back to last economy section with the slow grow. Myanmar decrease their trade with others country and started limit the economy activities in the country. Besides that, the governments also try to take over the economy activities and control all the trade so that there is limited freedom for their citizen or business. In addition, according to the report from Asia Report N °231(2012), Myanmar is related to the country that has similar political system and economy system, such as China, Thailand, and Vietnam. Myan mar is strongly related to those countries because they believed that work together with the countries that have similar political system and economic system will obtain more benefits. For this reason, the businessman from these three countries is very easy to start their business in Myanmar and will force less trouble during the business activity. However, not all of the business activity can be done in their country. The main reason is not because of the military or totalitarianism political system but is the religion. This is because the citizens in Myanmar, either army or politician are very respect to the Buddhism. Therefore, there are some business activity which is opposite the Buddhisms rule is not allowed to run in Myanmar. Furthermore, due to the strong religion faith, Myanmar trading with the others country decreased and more toward to self-economy system which is only produce enough goods for self country. Although Myanmar is rich in natural resources, but they did not u se their natural resources for international trade in order to boost-up their economy. During these few years, Myanmar is started changing their political system because they believed the military or totalitarianism does not provide benefits and human right for them. Besides that, the military political policy also make Myanmar became the poorest country in the world and unable to keep up with the development of its neighborhoods country like Thailand and Vietnam that is now developing faster and becoming very rich. In order to develop the country from poor to rich, Myanmar started regulates the democratic policy on year 2010 (BBC News Asia-Pacific, 2012). Myanmar try to convert their government from military to the civilian government because they believed the citizen play an important roles in the help of develop their country. After the democratic policy is regulated, Myanmar quickly organizes a general election in the country. According to the BBC News Asia-Pacific (2012), the Union and Development Party (USDP) won the election and the junta had said the election i s the process of transition from military rule to a civilian democracy. After the election, Aung San Suu Kyi who is taking part for forming the democracy government is been released from house arrest after a long time arrested by military government. The released of Aung San Suu Kyi can be determined as Myanmar start moved toward to human right country and can protect businessman when they are do their business activity in the country and had more chances for international trade done at Myanmar. The democracy political system is giving many benefits to Myanmar. The first of the benefits is the chair of ASEAN in 2014. According to Nehru and Endowment (2012), ASEAN sent a message to Myanmar, said Myanmar need to focus more on human rights and democracy in order to chair ASEAN in 2014. If Myanmar successful becomes a chair ASEAN, there will have many benefits for them. The first benefit is they can do their trade with others ASEAN country easily and organizing activities events at Myanmar and more people will know more about Myanmar. The second benefit is ASEAN is a free agent for advertisement because after joining the ASEAN, Myanmar wills easily attract the potential investor to invest their business to its country. Although Myanmar open more chances for other country for doing business in their country, there are still not enough to prove that Myanmar is a good place for doing the business. This is because Myanmar still had the limited on doing business in their country and the policy for protect the investment and business is still very weak and some is not really useful. Myanmar still does not had a good policy for the business section and some rules for the business is very tight and make the business less potential for development. Besides that, not all area of Myanmar is acceptable to the current government and immigrants citizen, some of the area still had the fight with the government so the safety of that area is negative. Furthermore, the costs of implementation the factory in Myanmar is very high because need pay more (bribe) Da loong u mean bribe? to the federal government and local government. Besides the costs, the process for getting approved of doing business in Myanmar is taking long time, so this will affect the profit and effectiveness of the company. According to the Asia Report N °231(2012), Myanmars political transition and economic reconstruction is interrelated. Asia Report N °231 (2012) also mentioned that there is hard for imagine a successful political transition unless the government ensure the economic stability and improvement of the development of the country and needed of the citizen. So, Myanmar is a very challenging country if start a business in the country although Myanmar had a rich on natural resources. When Myanmar compared to the United States, both country had different political system at the beginning but similar in these few year. Both of the country is democratic country whereas U.S. is stronger than Myanmar and more stable in the political situation when compare to Myanmar which is new to democratic. In economic system, United States is more effectiveness and better then Myanmar. This is because U.S. government had provided a lot of policy or art for the trade or business activity such as Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and others (Feinberg, 2003). For Myanmar, they only have few acts or policy to protect the trade and the business activity, so its risky and costly to invest the factory or business in Myanmar. However, there is a particular thing that the Myanmar had more advantages than United States, thats Myanmars resources rich than U.S, so when implement the factory in Myanmar, the cost f or the material will be cheaper and easily to get compared to United States. Therefore, there are had risk when implement business in Myanmar by the view of political economy. Economy Systems According to McEachern, there will have three key questions when come to economy: 1) what goods and services are to be produced? 2) How are they to be produced? 3) For whom are they to be produced? Economy systems can explain as the way that one country used to answer this three key questions. Every country in the world will under at least one type of economic systems. For this reason, to expand our business to Myanmar we must first know what economy system Myanmar under. The three basis types of economic systems that generally recognize by the economists are market economy, command economy and mixed economy (Hill, 2012). Now, lets discuss them one by one before we look at economy system of Myanmar. Traditional economy system In addition, there was an old economic system known as traditional economy system, society that under this system answers the three key questions according to their ancestors act, customs, rituals, beliefs and rituals. (Mxcastro, 2010) In short, they copy the ways that did by their previous generations. Traditional economy system was used in the past but now still will exist in the countries that are farm-based or rural. For an example, Native people of Brazils rain forest, the crops they planted, way to harvested, and the goods distributed to who were decided by their past generation and remains unchanged (Tucker, 2010). Therefore, this system decreased the rate of disputes among members but its restricted individual initiative, so will unable to produce advanced goods, new technology and then slow down the economic growth. So then, expand our business to the country that under traditional economy system is not recommended because a countrys practice may differ greatly from a countr y. Market Economy Furthermore, market economy is a system that allowed an individual to make decision of economic. In market economies, interaction of the force of supply and demand determines the prices and the prices are used to answers the 3 key questions. That is, what to produce is based on the popular trend and profitable, the producers will produce a product more when the demand for a product exceeds supply because the price of a product will rise and result in higher profit. The question of how to produce is depend on the producers choices, if the price and demand for a product is high, producers may use machine to produce in order to save the labor cost because machine can produce more in lower costs. The question of for whom they produce is based on the need or wants of the buyers and the price the buyers willing to accept. In addition, under pure market economies, intervention of government is absent. A pure market economy is also referred to as pure capitalism because both of the systems a re market answers the three key questions. Moreover, in pure market economy, mean of production is owned by private, buyers and sellers can make decision or choices as well as free trade for their deals. Also, according to Adam Smith, a countrys resources can be use efficiently and have better economic performance under market economy because its provided incentive for each individual to pursue his or her self-interest, known as invisible hand. However, pure economy system has some flaws such as people would suffer if without resources, stronger producers may eliminate the competition to monopolize the markets and people no incentive to produce public goods. Command Economy In command economy system, the three key questions are not answered by market force but government or people with central authority. In more specific, production, distribution, prices and others decision is controlled and regulated by government. In addition, state that under pure command economy owned all the business, there is no private ownership. Also, pure command economy emphasizes on collective goals more than individual goals, so sometime called communism or socialism. Furthermore, pure command economy also has some flaws such as resources do not use efficiently or wasted, absent from cost control, unable to meet the needs or wants of consumer because these resources owned by state, so people have no incentive to do so. Mixed Economy In mixed economy system, both market and government answers the three key questions, so this system involved both capitalism and communism. Government regulated only some of the markets in mixed economy system and resources in this system are owned by private ownership and public ownership. In addition, government normally take over the things is important to nation in this system such as provide national defense, birth cert recording, highway construction. Most of the people in the world will agree or accept these things to control by government. Also, government may take over the private firm that is failing if the private firm considered important to nations economic, for example, firm that have many employees, the government will take over the firm in order to prevent the increase of unemployment rate. Thus, mixed economy system provides the advantages of freedom without the need of government to give up its power. Myanmar Economy Systems Since year 1988, Myanmar has adopted the market-oriented economic (Aung, nd) with little government regulations which has replaced the centrally planned economy command economy. So that, the three key questions is answers by market force and each individual can make the economic decision. After adopted the market economy, the initial step that Myanmar takes is promoting and develops the private sector. Now in Myanmar, private activity has about 75%, mainly in light industry and agriculture and has about 25% of activity controlled by state, mainly in foreign trade, heavy industry and energy (WebWhacker, nd). Since Myanmar has adopted the market economy system which allows individuals to make economic decisions, so expand our business to Myanmar may be considered because as a multinational company, we has a lot of experiences of making economic decisions in many different country. Furthermore, foreign direct investment is allowed after Myanmar adopts the market economy system and the Union of Myanmar foreign investment law allows foreigner to fully owned company at there or can be joint venture with a state-owned enterprise, a private company or any Myanmar people, (DPS, 2006) so that we can easily set up our business at there. Moreover, in order to be line with the market economy, private individuals or enterprises are permitted by Ministry of Commerce to implement import and export business which was monopolized by the state in the past. (Aung, nd) For this reason, we can produce our goods at Myanmar with lower costs and export our goods to others country with higher prices. Also, others reason to expand business to Myanmar such as enough of labor force and low labor costs. Economic Condition Myanmar v United State United State Unit Myanmar Unit GDP (purchasing power parity) 15290.00 Billion USD 83.74 Billion USD GDP real growth rate 1.7 Percent 5.5 Percent GDP per capital (PPP) 49,000 US dollar 1,300 US dollar Labor Force 153.6 Million 32.53 Million Unemployment rate 9 Percent 5.5 Percent Exports 1497.00 Billion USD 8.21 Billion USD Imports 2,236 Billion USD 5.98 Billion USD Population 313.847465 Million 54.58465 Million Inflation rate 1.7 Percent 5.8 Percent Source: http://www.indexmundi.com/g/rank.html http://www.tradingeconomics.com/united-states/indicators Legal System In the past, Myanmar was reported having the worlds worst legal system for doing business. According to The Economics Time (2012), a British risk analysis group, Myanmar was offering the least legal protection for foreign companies. But during the recent reforms of Myanmar, new laws are enacted, and the legal practices are changing rapidly. Technical assistance and training which include investment and finance law reform, foreign exchange controls, and the simplification of trading are giving a hand for Myanmar to improve the legal system. The first legal act for foreigners investing in Myanmar are two types of foreign investment defined: 1) a sole proprietorship wholly owned by a foreign investor supplying 100% foreign capital, and 2) a joint venture in the form of either a partnership or limited company, in which the foreign capital invested must be a minimum of 35% of the total equity capital (Chandler Thong, 2012). Foreigners who interested to invest in Myanmar are required to invest through a local incorporate company which shareholders and directors are controlled by them, not through the use of local nominees. The invested company will be blacklisted if the Foreign Investment Law is not accorded. Besides that, foreigners are forbidden to buy land in Myanmar. The second are the relaxations of international sanctions. Investment in Myanmar was restricted by sanctions implemented by the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Canada and Australia since year 1997. CITATION? In 2012, the sanctions are relaxed. CITATION? United States has authorizes the new investment in Myanmar, but subjected to certain requirements and limitations; United Kingdom has suspend the restrictions of some key industries and assets freeze on approximately 500 people; CITATION? European Union has lifted all the sanctions except the arms and equipment embargo; Canada has allows import, export, investment and financial transactions to Myanmar; and Australia has remove the travel bans on Myanmar citizens but weapon trading is still prohibited. Furthermore, general laws of doing business in Myanmar. The general business law of Myanmar must be complied by the foreign investors and also domestic investors. First is the Myanmar Companies Act (1914). CITATION? A Myanmar investor who wants to build a business through a limited company may register under this act, but foreign shareholder and foreign director is prohibited. Meanwhile, a foreign investor who wants to build a business in Myanmar through a locally incorporated limited company may register under the Myanmar Companies Act too, but the company must be incorporated under the Special Companies Act (1950) CITATION? and be approved by the Foreign Investment Law. In addition, Special Companies Act (1950) is an act that governs all companies in equity share capital. CITATION? Besides, the labor laws that existing in Myanmar which include: Employment and Training Act (1950), Employment Restriction Act (1959), Employment Statistics Act, (1948), Factories Act (1951), Labour Orga nization Law (2011), Leave and Holidays Act (1951), Minimum Wages Act, (1949), Oilfields Labour and Welfare Act (1951), Payment of Wages Act (1936), Social Security Act, (1954), Shops and Establishments Act (1951), Workmens Compensation Act (1923) and the new enacted law, Labor Dispute Settlement Law (2012) (QuickMBA, 2010). *****Please do citation and change the sequence for those law to avoid plagiarize.**** The laws above deal with all labor related problems like working hours, holidays, annual and sick leaves, wages and overtime, social welfare and more. Citation? Moreover, minimum wages are provided for workers in certain fields like agriculture and more. Comparing to the United States, this has a more stable legal system because Myanmar is more challenging and risky to be invested in but also provides a higher return than United States due to lesser competitions. Furthermore, Myanmar has seen to be a potential investment place with its improving legal system and few advantages like rich natural resources and young labor forces. Lastly, United States could be a safe place to invest, but if as a profit seeker, Myanmar could be a better choice to invest in. Culture Myanmar is a hundred ethnic groups country; each has their own distinctive cultural traditions. Many of the tribal groups have produced the excellent handicrafts, dancing and musical performances. Myanmar culture which is non-tribals has been significantly influenced by the Buddhism. The unique thing about Myanmar culture is that it is free from racial or sex discrimination from childbirth throughout their lifetime. Everyone is allowed to equal rights, opportunity and treatment whether at work or at court. Regarding the Myanmars history, in traditional Western societies, women played a stronger role than man. From early on they could have own property and were independent in economic activities. Myanmar women enjoy the same status with their male counterparts and do not necessarily have to keep their surnames (JourneyMart.com, 2001). For American, their culture is Western culture, which based on British culture with influences from other parts of Europe, the Native American peoples. American Culture is known around the world are the films, shows, and musical performances. Furthermore, the most popular cities in American culture are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Florida, and Las Vegas (Frost, 2004) Food in Myanmar Basically, Burmese food is very appetizing such as blend of Chinese and Indian foods. The basic food of Myanmar is mainly rice and curry. Some of the curries are spicy and often served with salad, vegetable soup and fish paste cooked in various ways. Among the favorite food is mohinga (rice noodles with fish gravy) which is eaten at any time of the day. Another popular dish is ohn-no- khaukswe, which is a chicken curry based on coconut milk served with plain boiled rice or eggs noodles. Therefore, desserts that they commonly eaten include sanwin-ma-kin (Myanmar sweet cakes made of semolina, sugar, egg, butter and coconut), Myanmar-style banana cakes, and kyaukchaw such as sea weed jelly (JourneyMart.com, 2001). In Myanmar towns, Chinese restaurant can be easily found there. They serve Cantonese and Hokkienese style Chinese food. Indian food like kebabs and briyani are also popular among the Myanmar. European food is available only at restaurant in the hotels. Chettyar food is also popular among the Myanmar. For Myanmar country, meal usually incorporate soups and curries are often finished off with fresh fruit such as sugarcane juice. Thus, most restaurants will close by 10pm although some tea and coffee shops will still open. Language Burmese or Myanmar is the main language in Myanmar. However, English is widely spoken. The largest of the population are using this language, indeed there are so many ethnic groups in Myanmar, and it is difficult to amazing that the country has a number of other languages and dialects. Each country has its own dialect, the most common dialect in Myanmar are Kachin, Chin, Karen, and Shan dialects. The Karen is renowned for the custom of women wearing heavy brass coils around their necks, starting from the age of five. In fact, such ornamentation reveals them to be Padung, a sub-ethnic group of the Karen (Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, 2008). English also one of the languages that usually used in urban areas. Religion Myanmar is a primarily Buddhist country which the Buddhists stand for 80 percent of the population. Citation? Today, the most common form of Buddhism in Myanmar is Theravada Buddhism. Besides that, excluding Buddhism; there are other religions that have followers in Myanmar such as Christians, Muslims, Hindus and some Animists, but this entire four are minority religions (JourneyMart.com, 2001). Theravada Buddhism is the more traditional of the two major divisions within this religion, such as it believes itself to be closer to the original teachings of the Buddha. According to Woodward Hopfe (2009), for Theravada Buddhism people must achieve enlightenment for themselves without reliance on the gods. Religion plays an important role in a typical Myanmar Buddhists life that his or her routine cannot be separated from Buddhist rituals. There is also a Buddhist lent on Myanmar calendar which lasts for three months in the rainy season, from around July to October, during which fasting i s preserved, marriages and moving home is generally set off. However, in United States, the main religion is Christianity. Naturally, a religion that encompasses so many people contains a great variety of beliefs and practice. Christians share a common belief in the uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth, that he in some way provided for the redemption of humankind by his death and was himself resurrected from dead (Woodward Hopfe, 2009). In Christianity, Roman Catholic is the largest denomination. When Myanmar compared to the United States, both country had different religion whereas Myanmar is more familiar in Buddhism, but United States their largest religion is Christianity. Conclusion In past decades, Myanmar was known as poorest country in Asia and many investors do not dare to step-in and start their business because they predict their business will not gain any profit, so they instead of choose neighborhood countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and China to expand the business. With the recently released of house arrest Aung San Suu Kyi, the country human right re-born again because Aung San Suu Kyi fight for human rights for the citizen, so this can give more opportunities to all foreign investor to do their business in Myanmar easily. As many investors rather choose neighborhood countries to expand the business, this proves that in Myanmar business environment have very few competitors to compete each others to gain for the purchasing power from the consumer. So, with fewer competitors in market, we can easily dominate the Myanmar market before other foreign investors does. Therefore, Myanmar is an ideal country to expand the business because due to the country rich in natural resources, low costs, and fewer competitors. As the goods produce in Myanmar and export to others country, or even to our home country it will gain profit in the shortest time. By comparing to United States, its require take lots of time to gain profit and cover back all the costs to produce the goods.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Home Energy Management System

Home Energy Management System 1) INTRODUCTION Network of electricity that intelligently integrates with users actions connected to network for sustainable, economical and secure supply is called smart grid [1]. Smart grid is called smart due to fast communication and networking capabilities. Smart grid has an important role in energy structure adjustment, coping with climate changes and economic development [2]. Since 1982 energy demand during peak hour is increasing 25% approximately every year [3]. New intelligent devices must be used to fulfill energy requirements. In order to add intelligence new technologies are to be developed. Electric intelligence is only requirement for operational cost and energy consumption reduction [4]. These new technologies should be able to remove peak load and off load power difference, should be capable of making demand-supply curve smoother and should reduce environmental pollution. In smart grid user plays a vital role in reducing and optimizing energy consumption thus improving system efficiency. In smart grid emission of CO2 and household energy consumption is reduced by 9% and 10% respectively [5] In order to improve electricity consumption keeping in view of consumer’s need there should be an optimum solution. Different optimization techniques can be used for energy management. Different technologies like home area networks, home automation, advanced metering infrastructure and bidirectional communication are introduced by smart grid during past few years [6]. Now a days Zigbee and sensor networks not only monitors the quality of power but use powerful strategy for communication and distribution and sale locally generated energy back to grid [7] [8]. Demand Side Management (DSM) system is important utilization efficiency parameters which have been ignored due to complex dynamics of consumption, random behavior of consumers and lack of commutation technology. The advancement in communication technology has revolutionized the power sector and introduced a concept of new modernized electrical system called as Smart grid [9] .The concept of demand side management was first introduced in late 1970’s which reduces GHG, provides reliable energy reducing the electricity cost [10]. Traditional grids consists of DSM but do not provide such type of reliability to users due lack of sensors and inefficient automation and communication. But smart grid is more efficient due introduction of low cost sensors, smart meters and integration of ICT [11]. Challenges faced by smart grid is shown below Interoperability is said to satisfy if multiple communication network coexist in smart grid. Scalability means increasing number of hardware’s in proportion to others but due to increase in demand this become a major issue can be solved by using sensing networks. Smart grid holds different communities and societies which become an issue in order to resolve it integration of power system is required which is done with actuation, security and communication networks. Security is main issue in smart grid because a hacker can interrupt the data of smart grid and easily access to smart meters so this issue can be resolve by modernization the security and by data hiding [12]. The smart grid consists of HEMS that enable demand response and demand side management. On the basis of power supply demand response is responsible for altering and managing the energy and demand side management (DSM) controls the planning, techniques and implementation of policies [13]. There are two major schemes of HEMS one is communication and 2nd one is optimization [14]. Home energy management systems consist of three basic functional blocks [15]: HEMS software Home energy management center(HEMC) Load scheduler. HEMC provides customer’s user’s friendly graphical representation which not only provides assistance to customers but also give them control over various loads using load scheduler. HEMC software uses lab view developer tool that provides necessary information to customers using Zigbee protocol. It has two main sectors a) home tab b) data tab. The information load control, line control and on/off control is provided by home tab on/off control use in switching sequence and its major application is that it is used to detect any abnormality in hardware. The data logging of current and voltage with in time is represented by data tab. Load scheduler considers the bundle of single knapsack known as multiple knapsacks due to which customers become aware of peak load at specific time and interval of occurrence. A load scheduler not only determines the critical and non-critical loads but also time dependent loads. In emergency conditions it also controls various loads. This also stores data of electricity consumption 24/7. Energy management is an organized and systematic coordination of procurement, conversion, distribution and use of energy to meet the requirements, taking into account environmental and economic objectives [16]. Energy management systems are computer aided tools that are used by operators of utility grid for controlling, monitoring and optimizing the generation and transmission system performance. In efficient energy consumption the participation of end user is as much important as the supplier. In modern power supply systems end users’ are provided with RT-feedback (real-time feedback) via different website portals, in-home displays (IHD), or some other feedback viewer device like mobile etc. [17]. Provision of feedback to end user will motivate them to alter their energy usage to minimize the electricity bills. In present smart grid system end users’ are forced for shifting their energy usage on peak to off peak hours regardless of their comfort and life style [17]. All over the world major portion of energy is consumed by residential users, so they can play an important role for energy optimization. Research shows that energy consumption is minimized by 12% by installing energy consumption information system and displays energy consumption of whole unit [18]. Due to advancement in technology the industries has become advance due to which energy demand increases which results in load shedding and blackouts and use of fossil fuel is increases which will finish soon. Now world is going toward non-conventional energy resources like solar and photovoltaic cells but in order to provide information regarding to electricity to customers the smart hems use analogue and digital systems which is an efficient methodology. Home energy management systems play a fantastic role in distribution of energy via conventional grid and homes optimistically. With increasing demand of energy the communication in wired as well as in wireless medium is increased. Internet connection and intranet connection is makes low cost smart homes. Zigbee is one of the devices that uses for communication between smart homes and smart grid. Zigbee alliance introduced Zigbee standard protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard set by IEEE and new standard committee (NESCOM) for low rates wireless personal area network [15]. Zigbee consists of four layers. Zigbee Zigbee alliance platform IEEE 802.15.4 There is a great difference between energy production and consumption, low production cause deficiency of electricity supply. World energy production pie chart is shown as There are many optimization techniques that are used for optimization one of which is knapsack. In knapsack there are many algorithms used for obtaining the best optimized result. In this paper we will make comparative study of some algorithms of knapsack and we will find the best solution obtained from these algorithms. Comparison of different home energy management schemes: Optimization based residential energy management: It is the linear programming model basic purpose of this model is minimization of electricity cost at residential areas [1]. In this scheme a day of 24 hours is divided into equal time slots having equal lengths consists of various prices of electricity like time of use (TOU) tariffs. The objective function shows that with proper scheduling we can reduce the energy expenses by division of home appliances in time slots. Objective function is defined as EI DI Ut St Where I define number of appliances, E defines energy consumption of appliance, J number of days, DI length of cycle of appliance, K number of requests, Ut unit price for slot t and T number of time slots. IN home energy management (iHEM): This scheme use smart appliances like energy management unit (EMU) and wireless sensor home area network (WSHANs) for communication purposes between appliances (IHEMS). It also uses (Zigbee) protocol, wireless sensor networks and cluster tree topology. In this scheme customer may turn on appliance at any moment without being worried about peak hours. In home energy management (iHEM) gives suitable time to customer for appliance use. How iHEM works a request package is sent by appliance to EMU at the start, on receiving the packet EMU communicates with storage system in order to know available energy. Energy management unit (EMU) than communicates with smart meter for current prices. The storage unit send available reply containing information about storage energy when EMU receives packet, it schedules the suitable start time according to iHEM algorithm. It also reduces the carbon emission and energy consumption cost. 2) KNAPSACK: The single knapsack is a problem of combinatorial optimization having objects, values and weights packed into knapsack of specific capacity such that value of object is maximized [19] .The multiple knapsack is generalization of single knapsack problem it is resource allocation problem consists of M resources and set of N objects [19]- [20]. Knapsack problem is basically an items set that have different weights and values. Our choice of item must be in such a way that it should be maximum among the weights of given items. Knapsack allows community to use energy efficiently in order to achieve their goals. It not only minimizes the customer bills but force them to use their heavy appliances other than peak hours. It is estimated that energy demands overall around the world increasing 25 percent per year so its great challenge for us to fulfill the demand [21]. In order to overcome the increasing demand of energy we need to optimize energy usage. Knapsack is one of the optimization technique used for optimizing a problem. 2.1) Types of Knapsack: There are different types of knapsack which are as 1) 0-1Knapsack problem. 2) Bounded Knapsack problem. 3) Unbounded Knapsack problem. 2.1.1) 0-1 Knapsack problem (binary Knapsack): In such case the item is either taken or not taken (accepted / rejected) there are no other possibilities. Suppose a set of ’n’ items having different weights and values say ‘wi’ and ‘vi’, xi is the number of copies of item of set ‘n’. In mathematical form: Maximize ixi Subject to i xi ≠¤ W Here Xi {0, 1} 2.1.2) Bounded Knapsack Problem: In bounded knapsack problem restriction on xi is removed i.e. xi is an integer value in BKP. In BKP restriction is applied on copies of each item of set ‘n’ to some integer value say ‘ci’. Mathematically: Maximize ixi Subject to i xi ≠¤ WHere xi {0, 1†¦ ci} 2.1.3) Unbounded Knapsack Problem: In unbounded knapsack problem no restriction is applied on xi. Mathematically: Maximize ixi Subject to i xi ≠¤ WHere xi ≠¥ 0. 2.2) Algorithms for Knapsack: There are many algorithms for solving 0-1 knapsack problems which are as [22]: 2.2.1) Brute Force: It is a straight forward approach based on statement of problem and concepts’ definition. If there are n items that can be chosen from a set of given items then there will be 2n possible combination of items for knapsack. There is a bit string of 0’s and 1’s, if the string is 1 of an item then it is chosen if 0 then not chosen. 2.2.2) Dynamic Programming: It is a technique in which a complex problem is divided into smaller sub problems. These sub-problems are then solved and are recorded in table. Thus table obtain is utilize to solve original problem. The complexity of this algorithm is O (NlogN). 2.2.3) Greedy Algorithm: This algorithm requires some common sense and problem solving experience for solving problem. It’s a decision making process which may have following steps: 1) Choosing such item that has maximum value in knapsack. 2) Choose item with less weight. 3) Choose item with high value to weight ratio. 2.2.4) Genetic Algorithm: It is an algorithm used to search best solution among different possible solution of a problem. It begins with a solution set and each set is called population. A new population is made from old population by selecting them according to certain specified fitness level. 3) Appliance Usage Control: In [23] consumption of electricity is not always rational it also depends on human psychology factors. Different people use different appliances at different time slots. Now if we consider some appliances we can classify them into following categories: 1) Must Run Appliances: Appliances whose time slot cannot be changed and they must run comes in this category. 2) Fixed Run Appliances: Appliances that run only once a day at specific time. 3) Flexible Appliances: Appliances that can be run at any time in a day they don’t have fixed time. Some of the household devices are shown below: Oven LampRefrigerator Fan Considering human psychology factor the use of appliances can be categorize as: 1) Emergency Use: Appliances that use in some sort of emergency. 2) Welfare: Appliances that use for welfare 3) Enjoyment: Appliances that use for enjoyment purpose. Taking an example of personnel computer that is used by student for his working purpose or for emergency while an adult use it for enjoyment purpose. In order to make decision on which appliance should be used during peak hour follows analytic hierarchy process. Bibliography